Could this be why Central Banks have been buying gold?

Posted by ogr8bearded1 11 years, 11 months ago to Economics
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If the dollar loses its status as the world currency, you can say bye-bye to your cash, your stocks and retirement funds. You better hope you have precious metals, land, food and guns if it does. Then you can wonder if the starving hordes or FEMA will try and take it first.

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  • Posted by LionelHutz 11 years, 11 months ago
    Central banks have always bought gold. They are the biggest buyers. In the old days, this was because the paper money was merely a marker one could trade in for the real money - as chips are used at a casino.

    The move away from gold backing to fiat paper has only been going on in the USA for a generation or two.

    I believe Russia, China, India, and the APAC region (minus Japan!) are currently working on a competing currency to the dollar and Euro that will likely be gold backed. That's their motivation, I believe. Many think China is under-reporting what they buy. Also, China does not allow any gold exports. What they mine, they keep.

    Some also believe Russia/China/India are attempting to break the petro-dollar hegemony by paying for their oil in gold, which certain middle-eastern countries are all-too-eager to cooporate with, since this is an asset you cannot electronically freeze in a bank computer.
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  • Posted by overmanwarrior 11 years, 11 months ago
    I would say yes. They have known it for a long time. Nobody with half a mind could hope to sustain all the problems we are facing--and in many cases are openly advocating. I'd like to think that many are just as stupid as Mr. Thompson and just don't understand how things add up. But I think many do, and they want it to fail anyway. I
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