I support Jan Morgan 100%!

Posted by samrigel 9 years, 11 months ago to Politics
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If Muslims will not stand up and be counted in the fight against Radical Muslim Jihads then it is time for them to remove themselves from the USA and return to their country of origin.
SOURCE URL: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/01/28/gun-range-ban-on-muslims-draws-fire/

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    Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 11 months ago
    I hope the Justice Department stays out of this. I have always felt this is a free market issue. If I deny service to a particular group and people disagree with my decision my business suffers. Sounds like her business is booming.
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 11 months ago
      Yeah. I don't understand people who turn away business for political reasons, esp bigoted reasons. People have an absolute right IMHO to be stupid. Gov't has no business in bothering if you want to be bigotted jerk or if you want to ride you motorcycle recklessly, not around other people and their property, with no helmet. Leave these stupid people alone. I can't imagine knowing someone like this. They're few, but they get publicity for being dickish. We should leave them in peace.
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      • Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 10 months ago
        I detect sarcasm Circuit. As a small business owner I can understand her point. I have always handled things on a case by case basis. I would not support a business that bans an entire group like that but I think she should have the right to do so. She owns the property and the business. She took on the financial risk and can run it as she chooses. I do wonder if this would even be a story if she had banned Nazi and White Supremacist groups???
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        • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years, 10 months ago
          Actually, she did say that Nazis and KKK wouldn't be welcome in her range either, but the big fuss is focused on the Muslim ban. Ironically, there are over 30 Muslim paramilitary camps operating in the U.S. today, but no Nazi camps that I know of.
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          • Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 10 months ago
            It is problematic that you can't tell who is Muslim or not. I would guess Muslims are still using her range but they don't "look" Muslim. That is why I have always preferred to go case by case and not make any blanket bans. If someone is screaming "Allahu Akbar" while shooting I would see a reason for asking them to leave. I don't support banning entire groups typically but I would prefer to leave the decision in the hands of the business owner.
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            • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 10 months ago
              Every now and then I am a customer at a shooting range.
              If I walked in and saw people who looked like Muslims, especially one who shouts "Allahu Akbar," I would turn and walk right back out.
              That shooting range would lose my business.
              Just another motivation for a shooting range owner to keep out the scary people.
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              • Posted by plusaf 9 years, 10 months ago
                There seemed to be a reference to her having heard "Allahu Akbar" RINGTONES at her range.

                Isn't that something that Might Hint At Something?
                :) Something about walking and quacking like a duck?
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        • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 10 months ago
          "I detect sarcasm Circuit"
          If we banned actions that are stupid, e.g. my Taco Bell, we'd live in a police state.

          As for whether it would still be a story if she discriminated against another group, I say it's scarcely a story as it is. I've never met someone in business act openly bigoted. It's only a story b/c it's bizarre.
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  • 11
    Posted by Ben_C 9 years, 11 months ago
    “I am the infidel your Imam warned you about,” Morgan wrote under an image of her packing heat. AWESOME. I support her 110%. And if she goes Galt even more. People like her are few and far between.
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 10 months ago
      I go most of my life without interacting with any bigots like this. I have this fear if they ever make a Gulch-like community, nuts like this would be attracted to it. It would be a place where should be free to be a jerk, but I'd rather have people who want to be free to profit from a new nanotechnology fabrication process than people who want to exercise their right (and I truly believe it's a right) to act like asses.
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  • Posted by edweaver 9 years, 10 months ago
    For those that may believe this person does not have the right to make these decisions I have a question. At what point do you get to make your own decisions? Decisions based on your own values, no matter what those values are, as long as no physical harm is inflicted?

    Right now this person has made their own decision, a decision based on their values. What could possibly be wrong with that?

    I own a print shop. I refuse to print anything for individuals or groups that defend the "climate change" agenda. I believe humans have little to no impact at all in the changing climate. I refuse to serve them because it is my belief that if they succeed, small print shops like mine will be forced out of business due to higher costs and excessive regulations. It is already a tough business climate. I could make money short term and be put out of business by the very people I served.

    Would you give the robber money if they were going to shoot you anyway? I won't.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 10 months ago
    As a privately owned entity, she has every right to ban whoever the hell she wants. If because of that, her business suffers, that's on her. Apparently that is not the case. Not only can she ban people, but also certain actions, like the careless use of a firearm and not following procedures clearly prohibited at her facility. After all, unlike other types of enterprise, the spectre of death looms its ugly head at such a place. Re: Chris Kyle.
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  • Posted by RonC 9 years, 10 months ago
    If it is a private company, not funded by government, the owner should decide who is served by the business. In this era of Federal overreach that may not be the outcome. That just one of the issues brought to light by the actions of our benevolent government.
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    • Posted by wmiranda 9 years, 10 months ago
      That's true, but remember what happened to that baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a couple based on HIS religious beliefs. Nevertheless, I give a thumbs up to Morgan. This country should adopt a reciprocal rights to those citizens of other countries, as long as they don't affect our rights. In other words. if an American cannot go to a firing range in Syria or Pakistan, they can't go to a firing range here either, and so on. Silly, but effective.
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      • Posted by RonC 9 years, 10 months ago
        I remember the gay wedding cake issue, and the government overreach on that. Personally, I wouldn't want to eat food prepared by people that didn't want to serve my business. But, that's me!

        People are funny (weird). I spent a number of years handling labor law issues at the Post Office and met many people that would rather be "right" and unemployed than to be well paid and disgruntled.

        If the government can force a baker to bake or a range owner to provide time, how long will it be until they can tell individuals who will be their house guests. That may even be constitutional as long as people are not ordered to give quarters to soldiers.
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  • Posted by $ winterwind 9 years, 11 months ago
    Why doesn't she avoid the trouble entirely and post the "this business reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason" sign? answer: because she wanted the publicity.

    and I'm pissed that she bans Muslims, but doesn't even know enough to tell a Muslim from another, in his own words, "brown" person - from India!

    This is not a fight where we can afford to gratuitously make enemies.
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  • Posted by CTYankee 9 years, 10 months ago
    Store Policy on Armed Attack: (public signage)

    Any Employee who hears an attacker attempt to take control of the store e.g. yelling "Allahu Akbar!", or similar and sees a gun in the hands of the person where the sound originates, should sound the alarm and direct fire onto the assailant -- all other employees are directed to open fire and put the intruder down.

    Store Policy Addendum: (Breakroom Signage)
    The employee with the highest percentage of hits on targer will receive a plaque to be hung in the break room, and 500 FREE rounds of the ammo they used. The second place scorer will receive 200 rounds, and 50 rounds for 3rd place (Ties are permitted.) All others present who placed at least two rounds on target will receive 10 free rounds per hit.
    Employees with less than 2 hits will report to the range for 30 minutes mandatory instruction.
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  • Posted by plusaf 9 years, 10 months ago
    CAIR and ACLU... who would have predicted those two would become bedfellows?!

    I support Morgan, too. Private company, private land, private rules. Sort of like the Gay Wedding Cake Fiasco... if it's good for the goose...

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