Human history seems to ebb and flow like the tide. When Reason and Logic rule great explosions of knowledge erupt; the libraries at Alexandria, the golden age of Pericles, the Renaissance, America. When Emotions and Superstition reign the four horseman of the apocalypse are unleashed; the Socialist experiments of the 20th Century, the rise of jihadist Islam. We are blessed and cursed at once to have reaped the benefits of 900 years of Reason and Logic while being forced to witness their ebbing away.
Guess the Greeks are living the word-for-word, Atlas Shrugged. The Brain Drain, Who is left to run the country and create jobs? The Government, yea right, lets see how that works out. Oh wait another country tried that, it did not work out so good. But those who fail to learn form the past are doomed to repeat the same mistakes,
And with people like Sharpton and Jackson they are never going to learn anything that will put them in a position to make their life better unless the take up community organizing.
And with all the college grads and entrepreneurs leaving, there will not be any John Galt's. Puts the country in a very dangerous spot, someone or some group could move in make all kinds of promises and take over the country. Then they will be even worse off.
It will be interesting to see what happens to the Euro in other countries if Greece goes back to the Drachma... Italy (or more accurately, Italians) have had issues with cost of living and financial issues since having to live on the (far wealthier) northern European economy, and have talked for some time about pulling out as well... I'm not sure what some of the other countries will do, but my feeling is it won't bode well for the Euro.
While I don't think this is "the end of Greece" - they've been going through a major upheaval for a few years now, and have ridden out worse crises than this - following the Marxist model (which is a proven failure) will make people long for "the good old days". When Syriza fails (and it's pretty much a given it will eventually) the real question is - what will replace it?
Susanne... I think Greece 'ended' some years ago when the Greeks went on strike because they wanted higher wages and lower taxes, despite the obvious fact that their wages were being subsidized by taxes.
There's either a socialist-thinking problem there or a flat-out IQ deficiency.
But hey, lots of Americans draw the same stupid conclusions, too. Maybe it's a virus meme..
My boss is from Thessaloniki, and agrees that today's election in Greece will mark the official end of Grecian civilization. He expects the Euro to go down early this week, along with Greece.
Lived there in Athens for just shy of two years. I could tell all kinds of stories. I thought the EU was stupid to have invited Greece in the first place as they are one of the most rabidly socialist countries in Europe! During my time, I saw teachers' strikes, transportation strikes, garbage strikes, etc. - all from the public sector which already made WAY more money for less work than the private sector.
What is really telling to me is that they've already gone through one round of economic turmoil and for some reason they think it's going to get better. Sheer stupidity, but entirely predictable.
BTW - if you are planning on visiting as a tourist in the next few years, send me a message and I'll tell you the best places to visit.
I took a trip via ship along the Mediterranean coast and we would stop and spend a day or two touring the cities and country. I was shocked and so disappointed to see that the great structures of the ancient world are as covered with graffiti and any building in NYC. It ruined the various tours for me.
The new PM is going to rehire all public sector employees who lost their jobs, spend more, raise wages, but pretends Greece will not default, which was already a foregone conclusion.
And then some Greek bureaucratic moron will initiate a law to make the exodus illegal. Nobody recalls the British Brain Drain Exodus about forty or so years ago when wages were lousy in Britain and companies were paying engineers lots more in the US? Nobody in the US' Congress could connect the dots well enough to realize that corporate tax levels also indicate a degree of 'free-market competition' at the International Level?! It would be funny if it weren't so sad.
Why do they have girl scouts patrolling? Are the pom-poms on the shoes for tickling something?
This needs to result in the consequences it deserves. Sorry for the suffering of some. The unsustainable needs to be shown unsustainable.
How long until the rest of Europe becomes similarly unsustainable? They cannot compete against the US or Asia. Is Europe the canary in the socialist coal mine, and can any or our leaders illustrate it so?
If we had any real statesmen here, they would point to the Greek debacle and show people, in a few years, that's us.. If things don't change. The problem is that the uneducated masses always believe the "leaders" that say "we know better" or "we'll get it right this time".. I've always hoped that enough people might see and learn from what's happening in Greece and change our path.. The sad truth is that as AR illustrated in AS, I don't think people can be shown or educated, they must experience it for themselves. Until people experience the inevitable collapse, they will continue to think we can avoid it.
This is a real life AS cameo that needs communication. Maybe Ron Paul will use the example. Perhaps we can dissuade Jon Lovitiz to use his wit for our cause yet again.
This is what Fox News should discuss, instead of Islam being the enemy. Socialism is a much more real enemy than any Islamic agent can pose within an order of magnitude!
Experience is a cold mistress. Best to learn from the mistakes or others, but few have the wisdom to learn from other than direct experience; thus, the repetition of history.
The Brain Drain, Who is left to run the country and create jobs?
The Government, yea right, lets see how that works out. Oh wait another country tried that, it did not work out so good. But those who fail to learn form the past are doomed to repeat the same mistakes,
Puts the country in a very dangerous spot, someone or some group could move in make all kinds of promises and take over the country. Then they will be even worse off.
While I don't think this is "the end of Greece" - they've been going through a major upheaval for a few years now, and have ridden out worse crises than this - following the Marxist model (which is a proven failure) will make people long for "the good old days". When Syriza fails (and it's pretty much a given it will eventually) the real question is - what will replace it?
There's either a socialist-thinking problem there or a flat-out IQ deficiency.
But hey, lots of Americans draw the same stupid conclusions, too. Maybe it's a virus meme..
What is really telling to me is that they've already gone through one round of economic turmoil and for some reason they think it's going to get better. Sheer stupidity, but entirely predictable.
BTW - if you are planning on visiting as a tourist in the next few years, send me a message and I'll tell you the best places to visit.
Stay tuned to the Disaster Channel for updates...
most amusing.
And then some Greek bureaucratic moron will initiate a law to make the exodus illegal.
Nobody recalls the British Brain Drain Exodus about forty or so years ago when wages were lousy in Britain and companies were paying engineers lots more in the US?
Nobody in the US' Congress could connect the dots well enough to realize that corporate tax levels also indicate a degree of 'free-market competition' at the International Level?!
It would be funny if it weren't so sad.
This needs to result in the consequences it deserves. Sorry for the suffering of some. The unsustainable needs to be shown unsustainable.
How long until the rest of Europe becomes similarly unsustainable? They cannot compete against the US or Asia. Is Europe the canary in the socialist coal mine, and can any or our leaders illustrate it so?
This is what Fox News should discuss, instead of Islam being the enemy. Socialism is a much more real enemy than any Islamic agent can pose within an order of magnitude!