What was your favorite line from AS3?
Posted by Mamaemma 10 years ago to Entertainment
Mine was "Everyone in Washington is going to want to be your best friend."
This one line said so much.
I thought the actor who played Thompson and Polaha were both great in this scene. I would live to hear your favorite......
This one line said so much.
I thought the actor who played Thompson and Polaha were both great in this scene. I would live to hear your favorite......
range of my voice, you now have a
choice to make. If you decide to support the notion
of sacrifice enforced by the State,
your game is up. Your world is in a
downward spiral, and you will ride
it down to destruction."
It is a comment that Producers hear only too rarely. Since I saw Part 3, I have been consciously using it when the situation merits.
All the lines in all the movies so that Rand's concepts were given maximum dramatic impact so people would explore further.
Harry M
I love "you're penniless" - more for the reaction tan the line itself.
I love the whole conversation between Akston and Dagny.
I love the line which is, I think, different in the book :"I can't desert a battle which I think is mine to fight."
The convo with him and Dagny at the power generator building and him telling her to say the words "I swear - by my life and my love of it
- that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine” is one of my faves.
The convo at the end where Dagny asked if it is the end, and he says "It is just the beginning" is another.
"Oh, GOD, no!!!"
Close second: the doctor's speech about bureaucrats telling him how to practice medicine. I work in healthcare and battle with that every day.
Family business: “God no!”
Galt Galt-ness: “I didn’t ask to see you.”
Galt Humor: When John is picking up Dagny from her plane crash, she asks him, “Where is your plane?” He just barely chuckles and answers, “My plane is on the runway.” Perfectly acted subtle humor implying, “Where else would it be? I’m not the one who crashed!”