Venezuela: State of the chaos
Posted by sender47 10 years, 1 month ago to Government
I venture to say that Maduro just wanted to to this after Obama SOTU... they are that kind of show people.
Short article by AP... key words "God will provide" -.- . That is how bad things are. Yes Maduro said that, and no, I'm not anti theist. But when the gov says that... well... God help us.
Short article by AP... key words "God will provide" -.- . That is how bad things are. Yes Maduro said that, and no, I'm not anti theist. But when the gov says that... well... God help us.
provide but fear you will think I'm being
sarcastic. Not.
Cancer, AIDS and other diseases that need urgent medical care and/or continual treatment like a dialysis (machines have no replacement parts, and new ones are out of question) are just dying. In fact as this good are imported if the gov doesn't give foreign currency you can't buy, this situation are being well documented because is human right violation, and is considered genocide.
My hubby works with a guy from Venezuela; his family still lives there. He must be worried sick.
provide, pray tell?
If in USA lot of people don't care about those type of things, they say "hey Obama want to make new taxes for rich people, hey that's great I'm not rich, that means free things for me". Just imagine what would happen here... We are decades away in education level for people to at least try to understand Rand philosophy. (Well in fact any philosophy) This country has run for far too long in panem et circenses hosted by oil.
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promise, and so little actualization. -- j