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Unfortunately we grew complacent. Too few took notice that somewhere along the way our leaders had decided that the route to getting everyone on board the happy train was not by promoting the things that got us there in the first place, work ethic, individual responsibility, and equal opportunity. Government control was the progressive way to eliminate inequality and poverty. To accomplish that the scope and power of government needed to grow.
Government has become a business that has adopted a mission to expand and become more powerful. The guise is that this is growth is necessary for the good of the public, but just the opposite is true. Government invented the concept of leisure retirement with a SS Ponzi scheme, well received at the time. From there our appetite for handouts has snowballed. The latest casualty is health care.
My children are the first generation since WWII that are projected to have a lower standard of living than their parents. Complacency is already being replaced with discontent. Unfortunately much of this discontent is wasted energy as the government and media now participate in strategic misdirection.
Here is the platform of the person I want to run things....
The US is a sovereign nation that needs to enforce a logical immigration policy. Only legal citizens should vote or have access to taxpayer funded benefits. No one in government should have an incentive to encourage illegal entry into the US. Immigration is desirable, but we have new standards. We no longer want the poor, hungry, huddled masses, our needs have changed since the early 1800's.
The US taxpayer should not fund the world's police force. We need to acknowledge that the US cannot be isolationist we and have interests abroad, but our persecution of those interest should be only through mutually beneficial trade and economic alliance. We do not have a manifest-destiny to impose our culture on others. We should only use military force when attacked, or when there is an imminent and direct threat of attack.
There is no such thing as an entitlement. There are earned benefits, and there is charity. Tax dollars should not fund charity, that is a personal decision. We need to begin he hard work of dismantling taxpayer funded charity both corporate and personal.
Ron Paul's original speech posted previously in the Gulch at:
Ron Paul's original 'speech' on his website:
I have been saying for years that our Government is working and moving very rapidly toward the Monarchy of the 16th and 17th centuries.
We have a ruling class of elitists who set themselves up on high, lord over us their power while at the same time declaring they are public servants working to lift up the proverbial poor and middle class.
The FACT and TRUTH is that they are working to create two classes. Ruling class, and Servant class. These elitists are ever so close to completing this task.
Watch some movies and see the parallels. 1986, Soilent Green, The Hunger Games, Even Star Wars as Senator Palpatine played both ends against the middle in order to secure for himself "Emergency Powers" to provide the security the people wanted, which he PROMISED, he would relinquish once the crisis was over. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo4cFViN...
Obama and our Government constantly declare that with each removal of our freedoms we will achieve more security and peace.
Our founders saw this coming over 200 years ago and tried to provide the checks and balances needed to prevent this.
Ben Franklin one of our founders offer this warning:
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.”
The Soviet Socialist States of America (SSA)
Two phrases come to mind:
1) Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. ~ Ben Franklin.
2) First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. ~ Pastor Martin Niemeyer
How can we little bits of nothing possess intellects so godly huge that they can pass at least two major bills into law without even reading them first?
Do you possess such awesome wisdom? I surely do not.
Let us not question those ordained to take care of us. Be at one with the collective.
Otherwise, a terrorist teabagger may take a squat on us and thump a Bible on our heads.