While several parents reportedly knew of the scheme, only one contacted the school.

Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 11 months ago to Culture
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Really? And my daughter is a HS math teacher. Not sure I want to share this story with her, but afraid not to.
SOURCE URL: http://eagnews.org/cops-4th-graders-plotted-to-kill-teacher-with-hand-sanitizer/

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  • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 11 months ago
    Why not tell her? I know a 6th teacher who had a student who put something in her mug... can't remember what but she didn't drink it. I was on the hit list of 6 year old along with 5 other staff members. Yes, she had a list...and she was 6. She was also a notorious thief. Mostly of other's lunches. She had a stellar lunch brought from home everyday but she would stash hers in weird places and take others'. It caused much confusion and chaos when she did this...and those of us who addressed her about it made the "I'm going to kill..." list. It was crazy!!
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