They (the Gov't with all of its monopolies) must have your money or they can't survive. Time to disband EPA, IRS, Depts of Education, Commerce, and Labor. This just for starters. While we are at it repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and return to the Gold and/or Silver Standards. Repeal the 17th Amendment as well. This should get us on the right track a forward looking healthy and prosperous America.
Do not go off the grid! This is just going to raise a red flag to anyone who is keeping lists. Be sure to remain grid-tied whilst you make your preparations. And be calm about the stoves. Whilst you are on the grid, you can pull your heating energy from it as you normally do; if there is a hurricane or an earthquake, then no one is going to have to time to be nosing around to see if your stove is an approved model and you can fire it up to keep your family warm and cook your meals.
I like this, common sense. do as much prep as you can while trying to stay under the radar. Wish I could do more but $$ prevents most of what I would like to do in my rural area. kinda sucks knowing what is coming, but not extra to prepare in the right ways. but warn others who can.
once again, it is not the law makers but those who CHOSE to enforce them that you have to be concerned about. One day and I do not think it is that far away when an enforcer try's to enforce one of these idiotic laws the person breaking the law will not cooperate and after the scene we may very well see what has happened at the Bundy ranch, no more blm or snipers etc. showing up.
EPA is my #3, after the War on Drugs and DHS/ICE/TSA. The IRS may be a pain in the neck but at least they seldom put people in jail, beat them up, or perform cavity searches.
Then why do you think the IRS is the most feared and despised federal agency? It isn't because they are benign. They have the power to tear through your entire life, and force you to prove you are innocent. They can cause you to use all your savings to fight them with absolutely no recourse.
Yes, repeal everything done in 1913 and it will be a great start. As a second move toward liberty, void all executive orders ever done and treat all future such attempts at monarchy as treason.
Absolutely must read the Forbes article. That one will piss you off! And this tactic is widespread. Essentially, it's the same concept as the constant abuse of the endangered species act, the clean air act and all those feel-good regulations that have grown into unstoppable bureaucratic monstrosities. It's time for those newly- elected Republicans to go scorched earth (like Barack Hussein is)and vote to defund and eliminate a bunch of federal agencies - EPA is #1 on my list.
everyone should consider maximizing their independence, to maximize their choices in life, in my view. . I came to this conclusion when I was 15 and read "we the living" -- kinda strong author just got to me. . I sold firewood for years, and still have the woodstove/firewood book which I put together, on the subject. . the best stoves "burn the smoke" like the Riteway 37 -- but try to find one!
our stove is currently working to heat the house here in tennessee;;; we're burning oak, today.
it''s sad when the bureaucrats gain so much power that they can interfere with basic pioneering strengths which we u.s. folks are endowed with. -- j
Sitting by our fireplace was a family tradition here in NorCal when I was little and one of my favorite memories. It's a practice that's under attack now. I find that to be surreal...
I have been looking for an old wood cook stove I could afford. we have a outbuilding we lived in for a few years before we got the manufactured one to replace the one that got torn down. and the wood stove works great, and have a couple extra stoves. But a official cook stove would be great to have and set up for use. We have plenty of wood forests around, and local coal as well. a combo is great, wood and then a big chunk of coal for the night. Plan on doing it after the agenda 21 / UN attempted siege of America.. such is life.
This is the latest technology for heating (not cooking, except boiling water and warming soup) and so efficient the EPA inspectors will want one.
well, believe it or not, I checked the web for the Riteway 37, to see if I was still telling the truth, and found its "little" brother, the 2000, just 3 hours' drive down into georgia from here. . bought it. . we go saturday to pick it up. . almost as good -- "direct draft damper" is lower in the firebox. -- j
p.s. and I had a honda 305 shipped down here from new york state for about $150; similar job, size and weight, and that was 1000 miles.
It is sad that the Socialist Gov't that we are living under, let it's citizens live as independent Americans. The bureaucracy wants to sustain itself on the pillaging the American taxpayer. I'm beginning to believe Glenn Beck that we won't have a Revolution/Civil War in this country because most Americans can't stand the sight of carnage, blood and wreckage. Also, the bulk of the people are uninformed, fat, lazy, and complacent. The prior statement paraphrased. So, unless a tremendous positive Patriotic propaganda campaign to change American minds nothing will happen. The other alternative would be that 10% of Americans would have to start the Revolution like what happen during the colonial times. Another alternative which I would prefer is secession. This year I will email my local state representatives to amend the AZ Constitution to what Texas has, so we can declare AZ a Republic unto itself. Then work with the Native Americans so they will have their own Nation with borders in this state. If more states went this route there could be a well planned Confederated Republics.
Historically, people will only support a revolution if they're starving. So it'll happen in Venezuela long before it'll happen here.
There *are* agents provocateurs comparable to the Sons of Liberty (hello Alex Jones) but I don't support them. They're only going to make things worse.
This is interesting In Salt Lake City area they are cracking down with NO wood / coal burning in winter as it adds to the pollution. At the moment they say if its you only source of heat you can still burn. but its a step in wrong direction. And SLC canceled the traditional fire works as well for same reasoning. EPA / mayors a extreme democrat big gov, man caused climate change drone. so expected. I find in the bigger cities the more socialist/communist they become, however living in the center of utah we find all the new move ins from Calif or Nev bring their failed socialism with them, and are trying to create what they FLED and created here. after all they did leave due to high taxes, and a better place to Retire in. after screwing up where they came from, so now they want to mess us up as well. most are clueless to the fact they are repeating the same folly, or same reasons they sold out and moved.
All that is probably true, but I also know that that valley (very similar to mine) has a huge problem with inversions. Basically, you get a mass of cold air that just stops on top of the whole valley and holds in everything. The pollution then just builds and builds until a storm comes through. During the times of the inversions, air quality really goes downhill in a hurry and it is a legitimate threat to the elderly and anyone with breathing issues who goes outside. I don't have any solutions to the problem, but I know the problem is real.
That being said, the rest about socialists from CA and NV coming in is also true. They're invading my city as well - and similarly bringing their failed policies with them.
I'll be good, Nanny.
Please don't punish me, Nanny.
Is she gone?
OK, light the woodstove back up.
We all have to answer to my #1 by April 15th.
As a second move toward liberty, void all executive orders ever done and treat all future such attempts at monarchy as treason.
independence, to maximize their choices in life,
in my view. . I came to this conclusion when I was
15 and read "we the living" -- kinda strong author
just got to me. . I sold firewood for years, and still
have the woodstove/firewood book which I put
together, on the subject. . the best stoves "burn
the smoke" like the Riteway 37 -- but try to find
our stove is currently working to heat the house
here in tennessee;;; we're burning oak, today.
it''s sad when the bureaucrats gain so much power
that they can interfere with basic pioneering
strengths which we u.s. folks are endowed with. -- j
Sitting by our fireplace was a family tradition here in NorCal when I was little and one of my favorite memories. It's a practice that's under attack now. I find that to be surreal...
-- j
looks good, and you can offer a lower price! -- j
Riteway 37, to see if I was still telling the truth, and
found its "little" brother, the 2000, just 3 hours' drive
down into georgia from here. . bought it. . we go
saturday to pick it up. . almost as good -- "direct
draft damper" is lower in the firebox. -- j
p.s. and I had a honda 305 shipped down here
from new york state for about $150; similar job,
size and weight, and that was 1000 miles.
There *are* agents provocateurs comparable to the Sons of Liberty (hello Alex Jones) but I don't support them. They're only going to make things worse.
That being said, the rest about socialists from CA and NV coming in is also true. They're invading my city as well - and similarly bringing their failed policies with them.