The Interview

Posted by Itheliving 10 years, 2 months ago to Movies
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The Interview / Rated R for language, violence, a flash of nudity and potty mouth humor
In what turned into the film with the most free publicity in history The Interview is surprisingly tame and typical for a Seth Rogen vehicle. Since the film can be seen on free TV, downloads, dvd’s and heard on the Serius channel “Stupidity” any spoilers included herein are not going to spoil much of anything. As everybody knows the film story is about a TV schlock producer played by Seth Rogen and his host and star portrayed by James Franco. The show they are involved with involves big star guests and shock humor which pander to idiots. That is what attracted me to it.
Like NBA superstar Dennis Rodman, the player covered by tattoos and with a body loaded with medal attachments, the TV team finds out that the current leader of North Korea is a big fan of the show. He has invited them to NK for an exclusive interview. The CIA rings the doorbell and asks them to assassinate the NK boss. They reluctantly agree they go into intense training to prepare for the secret mission. They become the Abbott and Costello of spies and blunder through and botch everything they are taught.
Then its off to NK where, like Dennis Rodman, one of the pair befriend the dear leader and complications ensue. Inside the frame work of this plot we get to watch dull attempts to be funny while constantly carrying out potty mouth humor and jokes most of which are as funny as Dennis Rodman. Well, okay. Not that funny. Other characters become involved in the plot which of course fails to materialize as planned. This allows the film makers to construct an elaborate and unbelievable action sequence in which they carry out their mission in a big surprise finale. Then they come home.
Filmed in NYC and Vancouver Canada they never even come close to being in North Korea. After the plot of the film was revealed early on there was a computer hack which, by now you know all about, inside the Sony Studios computers. Embarrassing material was revealed. This lead to lots of free publicity and Al Sharpton getting a job at the studio. The hack and the publicity were and are far more entertaining to follow than the movie itself. The Interview is easy to find in all kinds of venues and if you decide to check it out it won’t take much effort to do so. Other entertainment you mind find fun would be to tag along with Dennis Rodman on his next trip to visit his pal in North Korea. At least we can all look forward to The Interview II when the boys travel to Syria for an inside yuk it up visit with the leader of ISIS.
Rated 2.0 out of 4.0 reasons that while it was a big Christmas release no Oscar nominations are on the way.

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