Hi. My name is...Paul
Posted by sailfast 10 years, 1 month ago to The Gulch: Introductions
By way of bona fides, I read Atlas, for the first time, in 1963 while in the USAF. When we returned from West Germany, my wife and I attended Objectivist monthly meetings at peoples's homes. I think we all thought that this was the wave of the future. I have witnessed much in the past half century. It is interesting to know that there is a place to comment and speak about our present state.
Rich, if memory serves, some one contracted with the Objectivist org. I think it was Barbara Branden's bailiwick. You received taped lectures- reel to reel tapes! and played the tape. Thus the purity of the message was intact. There were discussions but opinions were not "ex cathedra". When the Pope speaks ex chathedra, From the chair of ST Peter, he is infallible in matters of faith and morals. I should write about it in a blog. You had to be a free thinker to be an Objectivist in the 60s.
Welcome aboard! :)