Hi. My name is Victor Cammans

Posted by Victor_Cammans 10 years, 2 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
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I'm very happy to have landed in the Gulch and am seeking futher light and knowledge about this wonderful world.

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  • Posted by 10 years, 2 months ago
    What have I done in the search for knowledge? - Great question however is not an easy one to answer. Ever since I was 7 years old I have been making my own money. My grandmother paid me to take care of her lawn. When I was 9 it was features on the cover of a local magazine as the lawn of the year. Ever since then I have ran successful and unsuccessful businesses that have taught me quit a bit.

    AggData.com is the name of the business that my wife, a colleague, and I own now.

    So to come back to your question, for the most part it has been through experience that I have searched for knowledge. The other part is through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Seen a movie? There are some movies that have given me interest such as 'America, what the world would be without her' and obviously Atlas Shrugged.

    Read a book?

    To many to count really but mostly they have to do with the founding fathers and the struggles they went through to fight for their right to work and make money without being ashamed of being rich. Of course I have read Atlas Shrugged and The fountainhead.

    Discuss with others?

    All the time with family but never with friends.

    Thank you for the questions. This is one of those things I find interesting and what to be a part of, but, find little time to do so with running a business, wife, kid, school full time, and being active in my church.

    How do you search for knowledge? Have you ever gotten into an argument with anyone about the philosophy behind this book? How did it turn out? What points did they bring up and how did you answer it?
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    • Posted by johnpe1 9 years ago
      fascinating business, Victor! -- john
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      • Posted by 9 years ago
        Thanks, John. I appreciate your comment and I realized how many misspellings I have in my comments.

        Keep Smiling, John!
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        • Posted by johnpe1 9 years ago
          you could put data together on about anything, with
          that business -- it's a wide-open market! . how about
          the locations of all of the 9-hole golf courses with golf
          carts and clubhouses with pool tables. . or the
          locations of specialty audio equipment stores where
          Nakamichi and AudioTechnica equipment is sold?
          the options are only limited to the demands in the
          market -- limitless!!! -- j
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          • Posted by 9 years ago
            It is a great service! More and more people are realizing how great the product is. Mostly real estate and financial institutions use our data because of how often we are able to update our retail location data with accuracy and geocoding. Basically we can extract whatever data is found on a website. We currently extract data from 36 different countries with 30 different languages. It's hard and time consuming but I love being able to dictate what I do and I get to work in the same office, in my house, with my amazing wife!
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  • Posted by $ winterwind 10 years, 2 months ago
    Hi, Victor. What have you done so far in your search for knowledge? Seen a movie? Read a book? Discuss with others? Pull up a chair and have an interesting introduction. Welcome.
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    • Posted by $ winterwind 10 years, 1 month ago
      Back when I was in the political world, I got in arguments all the time. I don't so much any more.
      They bring up points like "we HAVE to have ROADS' and after I'm done pointing out that saying what you think is an obvious fact in a tone of outrage is not an argument, and, if I'm feeling generous, say, "Oh, come on. Think about this. What does the government do for you that you couldn't do better for yourself?" Sometimes it goes somewhere.
      A problem today is that people don't study rhetoric, grammar, logic, history, current events....and so they are not equipped to have an argument. They don't know how!
      I urge you to post that last paragraph somewhere pertinent and see what happens - I am interested in other people's answers.
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      • Posted by 9 years ago
        It is true to what you stated about how most individuals don't study what they need to, to understand just basis conversation skills. I come across this all the time in my line of work. Also, I wanted to ask you to see if you have any feedback for me concerning my choice to be a part of the 'planning and zoning committee' in my home town. I figure, since I can not make much of a difference in the federal government, I can in Menan, ID. I would like to hear a few pointers from you, if you don't mind, that you got from your experiences as a politician.
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        • Posted by $ winterwind 8 years, 9 months ago
          late, late, late, late.....
          I was not a politician. I played with the Libertarians in the political arena. However, short answer: go for it. You'll have more impact there. Longer answer: one of the Fellows at the Independence Institute, who has a radio show in Denver, began his political career by getting elected to the Board which oversees "Regional Transportation" in the urbanized counties around Denver. He did some good there, on the radio, and at the Institute.
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