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  • Posted by Lucky 10 years, 1 month ago
    Al Sisi stood up to the Muslim Brotherhood (reputedly linked to OB) and got them out of the government. There are other religions with real scary stuff in their core texts but the others have found ways to deal with it without unthinking acceptance. It is time for Islam to do the same. It would be good to think that Al Sisi is one of several leaders of such a movement.
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  • Posted by coaldigger 10 years, 1 month ago
    It is my contention that all Muslims share some blame for the acts of the "extremists." I am sure that there are multiple versions and translations of the Quran and the version that has survived and promotes violence on non-believers is no more genuine than some discarded version that teaches tolerance. That some barbarian declared such a vile interpretation as the "truth" and that the mainstream has continued to accept it even though they do not practice jihad is not acceptable. Until they officially change it, they will always be disgraced by the nutcakes in their midst.

    Christian Bible scholars can probably find some scribble in Sanskrit on a scroll somewhere that could be interpreted that all cats must be skinned and eaten but no one would promote putting it in the Bible and if it was there, and they would simply would take it out as a translation error instead of giving cat haters a holy justification for trying to eliminate a harmless species of pets.

    Until their holy book is purged of intolerance the trouble and death that has been going on for 2000 years will continue.
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