I am a Parasitic Bum

Posted by $ TimCutler 9 years, 11 months ago to Economics
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I believe in exchanging value for value. Mr. Maduro says that makes me a parasitic bum. Frankly, I'm amazed he even came back from his trip. Given the circumstances, I don't see that Mr. Maduro has any choice but to nationalize everything in sight and ration the loot to his friends and supporters.

In anticipation of this, anyone with a badge or a party card can be expected to grab something productive and pledge its assets and output to the Maduro regime. Venezuela then devolves into the barter zone - the ectoplasm of capitalism.
SOURCE URL: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-01-18/quote-day-venezuela-must-deepen-socialism-improve-economy-maduro

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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 11 months ago
    Maduro broke all the mirrors in his vicinity long ago.

    If only the TBTF banks were allowed to go the way of free market reality they would soon follow Venezuela's government into the dustbin of history..
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