Hi. My name is...Rick Fisher

Posted by $ RickyBobby131 9 years, 12 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
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I'm very happy to have landed in the Gulch...
I've had the pleasure of reading Atlas Shrugged 25 years ago and then receiving it on CD (50 of them) and listening to it in it's entirety 4 times while driving back and forth from Sebring, FL to Gainesville, GA on a 1 year consulting job. I see Ayn Rand's vision playing out. I'm happy to be a new member of the Producers group and look forward to interacting with like minded folks. I'm really excited to hear of the possibility of a mini-series being developed to tell the story properly. The movies did not really get the message across to the general public. It was an impossible task although an appreciated effort. Question: "Who is John Galt"?

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