
Posted by Itheliving 10 years, 2 months ago to Movies
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Birdman / Rated R for sex, language, smoking, drinking, drug use and an embarrassing wrestling match.
In the “may I have the envelope please” category it’s time to look at movies few have seen but many may soon know about due to the upcoming awards season. Specifically the Screen Actors Guild, The Golden Globes and the Oscars.
First up is Birdman. Not to be confused with Bird (1988) or Bird (2015) or The Birdman of Alcatraz (1962) or Larry Bird. It actually has more in common with the Alfred Hitchcock film The Birds (1963). It’s all about an actor who is a has been. He was once an is but no longer. Michael Keaton plays an actor who was a big screen superhero with great super powers known as Birdman. His life has turned into Birdy Num Num. See The Party (1968) for details. He drinks, smokes dope, hallucinates, curses, then repeats them again.
He is trying to make a comeback . He has adapted a story into a play and used all his remaining money to bring it to Broadway. Troubles ensue. He gets another washed up actor to join him. Ed Norton is the other has been. Emma Stone plays MK’s daughter and Naomi Watts his Ex. His best pal is Zach Galifianikis who finally plays a part beyond that of a fool. He does a great job.
The above names are the reasons this film will get major award nominations. Individually and collectively they are a great cast. The film itself has some unusual surprises and is filled with irony and dark humor. Unfortunately it’s two hour length allows it to drift into a lot of soap opera. At times the drama at the theater and residence area’s on the upper floor gets so foamy I expect Marlon Brando to make an appearance below, grab his head, look up and start yelling for Stella.
Time goes by and premiere night approaches. Disaster looms. It appears that only “Springtime for Hitler” was a worse production. MK’s hallucinations reach new heights. Everybody drinks and screams at each other in louder voices. Ed Norton and MK have a fight which may be the most embarrassing brawl ever on celluloid. And MK is forced to run through Time’s Square at midnight in his underwear. One of the best scenes in the movie.
The film is dark and esoteric. A little like Dr. Strangelove (1964). There is not a real film score. Instead a drum track provides all the musical accents. To add to the esotericism the camera work allows MK to actually pass by the on screen drummer who is adding the tracks both indoors and out during the course of the action. Antonio Sanchez provides the drumming and would make John Beal, the late Joe Morello and Bernie Dresel proud to be fellow drummers.
Birdman opened in mid November and had a reputed budget of 22 million dollars. As of mid December it’s gross was 22 million dollars. If it wins fame maybe it will win fortune as well. Right now it looks like a has been before it’s time.
Rated 3.0 out of 4.0 reasons I may take up the Bongo’s

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