The Prometheus Connection: A Pivotal Book for Freedom

Posted by dbhalling 10 years, 2 months ago to Books
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This book compares the United States rise and fall and rebirth (not yet completed) to the story of Prometheus in a well thought an entertaining way. The book argues that the US was the result of the Enlightenment and the rebirth of reason. This resulted in the US creating the first modern patent system that drove the Industrial Revolution, which should be called the Invention Revolution, and caused the US to become the wealthiest nation in the history of the world in less than 100 years. The villain in this story is the underlying ideas of religion. Religion is compared to Zeus who chains Prometheus to a rock for giving reason to humans. Religion is broadly defined and encompasses both the religious right and left, whether or not they profess a strong belief in a deity. The premises for both the left and right in chaining reason and enslaving people according to the book are the depravity of man and that self-sacrificial service is the highest moral virtue. The book even shows that these are the premises for the libertarian anarchy movement. Ayn Rand is Hercules in this story and unchains Prometheus.
This is a quick read, chalk full of valuable information and an invaluable book in the battle for human freedom and happiness.

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 10 years, 2 months ago
    OK, this one's getting on my Kindle. Thanks for sharing.

    Over the past year I have been saying that it feels like we are entering a new dark ages. Yes...
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