Enhanced State of the Union Address
In case you missed it last night, you can watch the State of the Union Address here....
Or maybe you saw it but want to see an "enhanced" version. I guess this is the director's cut of the SOTU complete with images meant to tug at your heartstrings and ignore what is actually being said...
Or maybe you saw it but want to see an "enhanced" version. I guess this is the director's cut of the SOTU complete with images meant to tug at your heartstrings and ignore what is actually being said...
SOURCE URL: http://www.whitehouse.gov/sotu
Plus, I found it interesting that the White House is labeling this "enhanced". Sure, there are a few graphs included but a lot of the "extra features" are just a still that says "2015 State of the Union #SOTU", pictures meant to tug your heart strings, and basically transcribed lines from the speech.
I stopped banging my head against the wall about '91.
That is a propaganda site. What rational being needs more brainwashing?
I watched the first couple of minutes of this still way too long of the State of the Union Blather and was completed repulsed by the time the Liar-In-Chief began to move his infamous lips.
Before I even clicked on to this thread while reading its title, I recalled Sarah Palin speaking of "putting lipstick on a pig."
Some of the slides were silly; some were on-screen too long or too short a time. Some were too simple; some were too complex compared to the time they were visible.
That's just inexperience in action. Sort of like the online signup for the ACA, eh? Amazing how newbies can get into positions of power and influence, eh?
Oh, wait... they're all part of O's team... now I understand... :)
* http://youtu.be/ukMZNTW4HJQ
* https://facebook.com/video.php?v=1015097...