"Common Sense" in Academia

Posted by PURB 10 years, 3 months ago to Education
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The academic left no longer pretends that it is interested in truth, facts, reason or reality; it now explicitly supports violence against police officers. Published in The Advocate, CUNY's graduate student newspaper, this disgracefully written, factually inaccurate, blunderingly illogical editorial (by a PhD candidate in history) goes well beyond the intellectually lightweight "leisure of the theory class". Stripped of logic, facts, even basic grammar, all that's left of the left is the open advocacy of physical force. "There are only two means by which men can deal with one another: guns or logic. Force or persuasion. Those who know that they cannot win by means of logic, have always resorted to guns." -- Ayn Rand
SOURCE URL: http://opencuny.org/theadvocate/2014/12/03/vol-26-fall-no-3-2014-in-support-of-violence/

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  • Posted by $ winterwind 10 years, 3 months ago
    I want to just start slapping people, starting with this author and moving on to those he quoted.

    It's right [?] that we [who were not directly affected by an event] destroy the property that you [who were not the aggressors in the event] spent your lives building.

    Are these humans [I hesitate to say "people"] going to have to find out that a privately-owned, intelligently and consciously-wielded AR-15 trumps a Molotov cocktail tossed by a thug ANYday?
    I don't give them all the blame for not bringing their grievances before the government [they probably don't even know what that means] but I do blame their leaders, who oughta be spending time looking behind themselves these days.
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