Pat Condell: "Nothing to do with Islam"

Posted by Eudaimonia 10 years, 1 month ago to Philosophy
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Pat's first video since the Charlie Hebdo attack.
SOURCE URL: http://www.patcondell.net/nothing-to-do-with-islam/

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  • Posted by Temlakos 10 years, 1 month ago
    I searched the Koran, in three authoritative English translations, on September 11, 2001. I'll let you guess the context, and my reasons.

    I searched on the word "fight."

    And I found it.

    I found plenty in the Koran that tells Muslims to kill.

    I also found other verses in the Koran that seemed to contradict that.

    And then I found the Abrogation Principle: the verse more recently written takes precedence. I applied it to the Koran. And found the Fighting Words remain in force and effect.

    Besides: the Peaceful Words depend on your definition of the word "innocent."
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  • Posted by mminnick 10 years, 1 month ago
    It is a religion so senophobic that even its schisms try to kill each other.
    bit of wishful thinking here but what if the Sunni, Shia and extreme confronted each other and left the rest of us alone. Won't happen because at the very base of Islam, you have the same governing principle - If you are not Muslim, your are dead.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 10 years, 1 month ago
      Actually, that's been going on for more than 1000 years. That was the basis for Iran vs Iraq. It is the basis for most of the infighting in Iraq since the US military conquest. It's the reason Saudi Arabia is greatly concerned about ISIS.

      There are four sects of Islam: Sunni, Shia, Baath, and Wahab. Saudi Arabia is Wahab. Most others are either Sunni (Iraq) or Shia (Iran). The Baathists are just sprinkled in all over. The primary fight is between Sunni and Shia and concerns which of two brothers inherited the right to "rule" Islam in the passing of Mohammed.

      I'd much rather see them destroying each other than the rest of the world, but I think this is a long shot.
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  • Posted by Turfprint 10 years, 1 month ago
    This was a really good article (video)?? Vidicle?

    Islam is a religion as a means of political control. I wrote this comment for the post It’s Not a Corrupted Version… it IS Islam! (by UncommonSense), But It works here as well:

    The media has to be controlled. One might argue that colleges brainwash all journalist. There is a school of journalism in Berkeley that seems to have a fast track ticket for them. But I think it’s something deeper, more sinister.

    But, never reported (maybe not understood) is what goes on inside a Muslim community behind the scenes. It’s called “We Know Where You Live.” It really means we know where your family lives, and particularly your children. This is how the people are controlled by the militants. This is what goes on in third world societies. Even when those societies are in America; the police can’t stop it.

    You can call it Militants regarding Islamic communities or people, or Black Hand for Chinese, or Cartels for Mexicans, those various peoples dare not cross them. End of story. This is pretty horrific for Americans to believe, it is basic for them. Talk about politically incorrect. I’m just getting warmed up.

    Ask yourself, why Russians are never kidnapped by Islamic terrorist, or very few other crime syndicates or groups. If you don’t know it’s because they can and do play the same game, but often harder. To go after the perpetrators’ family is uniquely taboo in America and many western cultures. This is not unknown in the Third World.

    Well America, like Jack Nicholson said, “You can’t handle the truth.”

    I am not afraid,
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