Atlas Shrugged Crony Awards

Posted by AaronDay 10 years, 2 months ago to Business
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As members of Galts Gulch Online, I suspect that you share my passion for Atlas Shrugged and complete disdain for crony capitalism. I ask for your support to nominate, promote, and contribute to our effort to expose crony capitalism on a massive scale

Ayn Rand’s epic work Atlas Shrugged highlights the difference between the economic power to offer benefits in trade and the political power to control and oppress. Atlas Shrugged was intended to warn about the dangers of crony capitalism and promote the positive message of freedom, individualism, reason, and achievement. It was not intended to serve as a “how-to” guide for crony capitalists.

We have launched an Atlas Shrugged Crony Awards contest through The Atlas Society in order to build the largest database on crony capitalism and engage and interact with a massive online audience about the perils of cronyism.

The process is simple and meant to be widely accessible:
Cronyhunter phase (December 5-February 15)
Nominees are submitted through our website
Submissions are vetted against our criteria as developed by our advisory board
1st round of voting (February 15-April 15)
The online community crowdsources research of each approved nominee
Voting conducted online to reduce initial list to 10
Second round of voting (April 15-June 1)
The online community continues crowdsourcing research on the 10 primary winners
Voting conducted online to reduce initial list to 3
The community crowdsources research through our website.
Awards dinner (June 2015): The Atlas Society will present the winner at our Atlas Summit event in June.
High production quality video of the winner produced (Q4 2015): Leading pro-liberty journalist Ben Swann will produce a 10 minute video of the winner. The video will be promoted heavily online.

Our website provides three ways for you to participate:
Submit a nominee: There is a very quick form to fill out for suggesting a nominee. It will only take about 90 seconds. We have already received 38 nominees without formally announcing the program.
Promote the contest: You can contribute your social networks (Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr) to our campaign to launch the contest formally on January 6, 2015. It only takes about 60 seconds to sign up. Already, 50 supporters have signed up and are contributing a combined social reach of 160,000. On January 6 at 1:30pm ET, a message will go out to all of our supporters social media contacts at once. This effort is intended to cause the contest to go viral through social media.
Make a tax-deductible contribution to our 501c3. We are requesting funding to fund the website development, the awards dinner, production of the video for the winner, and promotion for the entire event. We accept credit cards, debit cards, checks, e-checks, Bitcoin, and stock grants. The video production and the awards dinner are the two most costly program elements. We have outlined the benefits by donor level at .

For almost 25 years, The Atlas Society has promoted Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism. You can view our annual report with an overview of our programs as well as a summary of the impact we are having as at

Thank you for your consideration. If you have any additional questions or would like to learn more about The Atlas Society, please contact me directly by e-mail or phone.

In liberty,
Aaron Day, CEO
The Atlas Society
(617) 669-2187


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