Ayn Rand, Nanny-State, Depression, and Ketamine

Posted by Vinay 10 years, 2 months ago to Science
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Directed consciousness toward purposeful living is the best antidote to the blues, but sometimes we need medication to start anew. Rand, Branden, Neuroplasticity, John Milton, Ketamine, and this whole complicated business of happiness.
SOURCE URL: http://www.thesavvystreet.com/ketamine-a-new-hope-for-depression/

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  • Posted by BradA 10 years, 2 months ago
    I find myself depressed more and more. It seems every time I look around the United States, it is becoming less representative of my values. And I see few citizens or leaders willing to make the hard choices to correct our course. I suppose I could medicate myself into a blissful stupor, but again this would go against my values. I don't want to see puppies and butterflies if they're not really there.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 10 years, 2 months ago
    Pycho-active medications are very helpful for individuals born with imbalance in their brain chemistry. In many cases such imbalances are not detectable by a blood test. Only through their behavior and then it's trial and error. Counseling, help's only to a minor degree. If there was a concerted effort by large Pharmaceutical Corp. or Universities where individuals could sign up free of charge to get the help they needed, we would have a less of a mental health problem than we have today. Better research would yield better medications in the long run without the high cost. A total revamp of the reviled Obamacare through Medicare instead would be a better solution. Of course, better guide-lines and policy structure would be paramount in this kind a of restructuring. I also believe that more research has to be done in scoping out all of Earth's medicinal plants, so that there would be less side affects than from synthetic drugs. We treat the mentally ill as second class citizens and here in Arizona has the worst system in treating them Jail becomes their treatment system. If these individuals are sent to outside Mental Health Facilities their treatment is poor quality or not at all. There is no system in place to follow up with the patients. It's the patients responsibility for their own follow up. When they leave these kind of institutions they can barely take of care themselves. So, the mentally ill become a throw away population and not productive members of society.
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  • Posted by bobbyboynyc 10 years, 2 months ago
    Stop preaching to the choir. We need a major reformation here, and I am talking about the Republican Party now. The Dems have shot their wad, and likely won't get another chance to screw up the country until the Republicans fuck up or sucker us into even bigger and more unjustified wars, as they can be depended upon to accomplish. The Israeli MOSSAD had private contractors here teaching our police and National Guard that veterans, environmentalists, Ron Paul and Tea Party supporters are terrorists. Oh, and don't forget the NRA and numerous Christian, rural, family-oriented and health-focused movements. SPLC and ADL have been doing this for the longest time, and our police have been turned against us. Obama's race war hasn't helped any either. We need to both straighten the Republicans out and provide alternative leadership where we can't, leadership that will not split the Republican vote.In the 1912 election, the Rothschild interests started a third party without any real platform, just Teddy Roosevelt's personal popularity. Ross Pero may have been the same kind of thing.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years, 2 months ago
    On tne other hand, if life is all that tough, you can do as they do in old folks storage facilities when an ancient one refuses to die. Zap them full of thorazine and they'll sit quietly all day, locked into their personal paradise, or hell, or...nothing.
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