What private entity could bill the child?!
Posted by Zero 10 years, 1 month ago to Government
I swear sometimes I can almost hear his voice. A reminder across the centuries. A warning. A challenge.
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes;
and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism,
it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
When is it time?
When government, unwilling to abide by the rule of law, simply enforces unlawful "rules" and dares you to challenge!
When even a properly functioning free press can't curb the corruption!
When is it time?
You always hear about the "bloodless revolution" possible every four years - but I'm not sure I believe that anymore.
Sure, we'll have an election, but real change? An end to the death-spiral?
When is it time?
The Great She said so long as we have freedom of speech it is not yet time.
Well, here we are, sharing ideas and speaking our mind - and I must confess, I am still having my say.
There's Fox as well as MSNBC, so I guess it's not time yet.
But it's close. I can feel it like a black rumble.
It's coming.
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes;
and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism,
it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
When is it time?
When government, unwilling to abide by the rule of law, simply enforces unlawful "rules" and dares you to challenge!
When even a properly functioning free press can't curb the corruption!
When is it time?
You always hear about the "bloodless revolution" possible every four years - but I'm not sure I believe that anymore.
Sure, we'll have an election, but real change? An end to the death-spiral?
When is it time?
The Great She said so long as we have freedom of speech it is not yet time.
Well, here we are, sharing ideas and speaking our mind - and I must confess, I am still having my say.
There's Fox as well as MSNBC, so I guess it's not time yet.
But it's close. I can feel it like a black rumble.
It's coming.
It doesn't surprise me that the IRS would take this stance, true or not.
And - "The agency argues that collecting on such debts “is a significant component of ensuring the solvency of the Social Security trust fund.”"
If true, then we're in a much more dire straight than they have lead us to believe.
Verily, atone for the sins of the father. Atone!
It is your genetic duty to help feed the ever hungry trillions in debt collective in order that the wealth shall be passed around.
No government like good government cannot create that trillions in debt miracle without the cooperation of the whole.
Superior authority also requires its fat godfather cut.
Most verity atone!
Pay your ever doubling doubled down tithes like good little sinners.
So you may atone!
For where would we the clueless for stupid be without the enlightened leadership of our worshiped more than equal elite betters?
Contemplate that as you the unworthy seek atonement from the most holy PC validation on high.
Atone, ye sinners! Atone!
They're whittling on the first - freedom of speech.
(Curious She seems to have missed the voting part. If anything they want every sheep to feel compelled to vote!!)
The last - outright prison?! That's spooky.
When it goes that far we've waited too long. No doubt it will be time to join the Underground then.
It's all a massive fraud people
I think I hear my wife calling - I gotta go now....
BELIEF is like a drug. Try taking a drug addicts drugs from him and see what you get.
Think about how credible a person sounds that is to lazy to do the research and yet speaks with some kind of authority of knowing something. You think you know but you obviously have not put the time into researching the subject matter. Here, I'll make the journey a little easier for you. Go to youtube and watch a film by Arron Russo (Producer of "The Rose" and "Revenge of the Nerds") called "Freedom to Fascism" other films you may wish to consider are Thrive, EndGame, Esoteric Agenda, Zeitgeist (2008), Zeitgeist Moving Forward.
Everything you think you know about history is most likely incorrect, remember it is the victor of the conquest who gets to tell his version of history, not the defeated.
Then you might want to research what Judge Dale, a retired federal judge has to say about what I'm sharing with you.
Or you can take the BLUE PILL and go back to sleep because ignorance is truly bliss, until you hit the wall.
Ignorance begets fear, but knowledge trumps fear and is empowering.
I would imagine you live in a highly populated area as will? Don't have more than a few weeks of food supply? Buy commercial food and drink fluoridated water but have a really great medical policy? But you feel safe because you have a gun with a box of ammo!
Don't worry about nut cases like myself gettin ya. I live in the mountains in N. Idaho with the Hillbilly's. My girl friend has a purty tooth, but when she was my little sister she had almost all her teeth. I raise goats for milk, Bee's for honey, gardens for real food. Solar Panels for power and a pet deer named BABY!
SO good luck to you being afraid of the paper tiger called guberment. Perhaps you might write your congressman so he can fix it all for you.