What private entity could bill the child?!

Posted by Zero 10 years, 1 month ago to Government
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I swear sometimes I can almost hear his voice. A reminder across the centuries. A warning. A challenge.

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes;
and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism,
it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

When is it time?
When government, unwilling to abide by the rule of law, simply enforces unlawful "rules" and dares you to challenge!
When even a properly functioning free press can't curb the corruption!

When is it time?
You always hear about the "bloodless revolution" possible every four years - but I'm not sure I believe that anymore.
Sure, we'll have an election, but real change? An end to the death-spiral?

When is it time?
The Great She said so long as we have freedom of speech it is not yet time.

Well, here we are, sharing ideas and speaking our mind - and I must confess, I am still having my say.
There's Fox as well as MSNBC, so I guess it's not time yet.

But it's close. I can feel it like a black rumble.
It's coming.
SOURCE URL: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/despite-promises-social-security-still-trying-to-collect-old-debts-from-kin/ar-BBgM6X1

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  • Posted by MannaMade 10 years, 1 month ago
    The time is now, its happening all across the country. In my town we are taking matters into our own hands, with success. The court systems is a fraud. Cops are criminals! An informed educated citizen willing to get off his knees and stand against them, is all that is required to fight the paper tiger that is government. I and my friends represent ourselves in matters of law. They don't like us and our cases get thrown out of court. The cops don't mess with us any longer because its easier to hunt for weak prey.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 10 years, 1 month ago
    I often think back on comments I heard from Stefan Molyneoux pointing out that we are just livestock and the state is the farmer in this tax farm. When I first heard it I thought it sounded so outside, almost nuts. Now, however, when I see things like this I just nod and smile. "To see the farm is to leave it."
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  • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
    From the article: "In Social Security’s briefs in the federal case, the agency argues that Congress gave the agency “broad rulemaking authority” to collect debts “as it sees fit,” without regard to how old a child was when benefits were given to a parent."
    It doesn't surprise me that the IRS would take this stance, true or not.

    And - "The agency argues that collecting on such debts “is a significant component of ensuring the solvency of the Social Security trust fund.”"
    If true, then we're in a much more dire straight than they have lead us to believe.
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    • Posted by wiggys 10 years, 1 month ago
      when you write a check you note the amount and deduct if from the total in a chash register. does government have one, no and they don't have any money either. we are in the era of the shell game.
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  • Posted by Bryan 10 years, 1 month ago
    I fear that collapse will come before a change. If that happens many will be killed or maimed at the hands of desperate looters.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 10 years, 1 month ago
    Comrade citizens, this the red dawn of the Utopian Age of Aquarius, know that it has come to pass that the sins of the father shall be visited upon the children.
    Verily, atone for the sins of the father. Atone!
    It is your genetic duty to help feed the ever hungry trillions in debt collective in order that the wealth shall be passed around.
    No government like good government cannot create that trillions in debt miracle without the cooperation of the whole.
    Superior authority also requires its fat godfather cut.
    Most verity atone!
    Pay your ever doubling doubled down tithes like good little sinners.
    So you may atone!
    For where would we the clueless for stupid be without the enlightened leadership of our worshiped more than equal elite betters?
    Contemplate that as you the unworthy seek atonement from the most holy PC validation on high.
    Atone, ye sinners! Atone!
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  • Posted by Ben_C 10 years, 1 month ago
    I learned this am that States will use cell phone apps for drivers licenses rather than paper licenses. This is beyond scary. GPS on your cell phone - traffic violations through the mail? Zero personal freedom if you have a cell phone. Big Brother is alive and well.
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  • Posted by jabuttrick 10 years, 1 month ago
    I seem to recall Rand's preconditions for revolution included: (i) restrictions on freedom of speech/voting; (ii) confiscatory taxation/rampant violations of property rights; and (iii) government bans on emigration. Are we there yet?
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    • Posted by 10 years, 1 month ago
      We already have the second condition. With the EPA rules and the new virtually unlimited right to imminent domain, there is precious little right to property.

      They're whittling on the first - freedom of speech.

      (Curious She seems to have missed the voting part. If anything they want every sheep to feel compelled to vote!!)

      The last - outright prison?! That's spooky.
      When it goes that far we've waited too long. No doubt it will be time to join the Underground then.
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  • Posted by MannaMade 10 years, 1 month ago
    One thing everyone should do is STOP PAYING THE EXTORTION MONEY THEY LABEL HAS TAXES. Get educated! Go read the online book called "Cracking the Code" You are not a TAX PAYER unless you consent to be one. By Definition a 'PERSON" is a corporation (refer to Blacks Law) An organic person is not a corporation!!!!!!! Your name in ALL CAPS denotes a fiction which is the corporate person that you voluntarily accept to represent. Your Birth Certificate is the receipt of your Certification of Birth (YOUR PINK SLIP) that is deposited with the IMF. On the back of your Birth Certificate there is number that is linked to a CUSIP number (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures) that is a Mutual Fund that is traded on the New York Stock Exchange. You are a Human Resource! In 1922 by the passing of the Maternity Act a national registry of birth was started. In 1933 when the county went bankrupt the new United States of America, Inc. was created and the Dept of Commerce mandated the issuance of Birth Certificates. This was done because congress pledged us all as collateral in order to receive loans from the privately held Federal Reserve. The loans are to be paid back by American Citizens and your Birth Certificate is like a title to a car that is held in trust by the IMF. It has a value based upon an estimated future earnings that is collected by the privately held Internal Revenue Service, Inc. domiciled in Puerto Rico. If you go to https://delecorp.delaware.gov/tin/GIName... you can do a search on corporations. Search "THE SOCIAL SECURITY CORP." and "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION"

    It's all a massive fraud people
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    • Posted by jabuttrick 10 years, 1 month ago
      This is all nonsense. The reality is scary enough without inventing bizarre theories.
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      • Posted by MannaMade 10 years, 1 month ago
        This is not theory, this is a matter of legal fact. The inherent problem with "BELIEF" is that one must defend his/her BELIEF. What happens when what you believe is incorrect. Your BELIEF will prejudice the information that conflicts with your BELIEF. The EGO does not like to be wrong.

        BELIEF is like a drug. Try taking a drug addicts drugs from him and see what you get.

        Think about how credible a person sounds that is to lazy to do the research and yet speaks with some kind of authority of knowing something. You think you know but you obviously have not put the time into researching the subject matter. Here, I'll make the journey a little easier for you. Go to youtube and watch a film by Arron Russo (Producer of "The Rose" and "Revenge of the Nerds") called "Freedom to Fascism" other films you may wish to consider are Thrive, EndGame, Esoteric Agenda, Zeitgeist (2008), Zeitgeist Moving Forward.

        Everything you think you know about history is most likely incorrect, remember it is the victor of the conquest who gets to tell his version of history, not the defeated.

        Then you might want to research what Judge Dale, a retired federal judge has to say about what I'm sharing with you.

        Or you can take the BLUE PILL and go back to sleep because ignorance is truly bliss, until you hit the wall.

        Ignorance begets fear, but knowledge trumps fear and is empowering.
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        • Posted by jabuttrick 10 years, 1 month ago
          Having a belief is not the same as having knowledge. Knowledge is justified true belief. I have seen the Russo movie. It is full of beliefs but a little short on justification. However, it is not Russo's beliefs at issue here. It is your beliefs as set forth above. Specifically, the assertions that under the law persons are corporations, that my birth certificate (on file with the International Monetary Fund!!) has some sort of mutual fund code on the back of it, that there is some significance to purported incorporation by the U.S. government, that I am pledged as collateral for loans by Congress, and, best of all, that there is some legal significance to having my name spelled out in all caps! When you make such outlandish claims you must be ready to support them with citations to case law, statutes, constitutional provisions or some other publicly available source other than movies and vague references to a retired federal judge named Dale. Could we have a first name at least?? Oh, and citation to just one case holding that anything you say is true and of significance, please. As I said before, the current political and cultural climate is bad enough and there is a ton of work to be done to stem the tide without being sidetracked by baloney like this.
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          • Posted by MannaMade 10 years, 1 month ago
            Will I have not paid a single cent in federal or state tax in 40 years and neither do any of my friends, I'm 60 now. I don't get letters or harassed by the IRS. But it is not important to me to convince you. I also defend myself in our courts as will as others in my community. I understand LAW and how to write and file motions, notices of Alibi, etc. I have not had a drivers license in 23 years and I am known by every cop in town as will as the county prosecutors of 2 jurisdiction. I never get messed with anymore. But here is the punchline brother.; I don't need to reinvent the wheel and write you cites and case law, not enough time or desire to do that for someone who is sold on his own enslavement, that's for you to figure out.

            I would imagine you live in a highly populated area as will? Don't have more than a few weeks of food supply? Buy commercial food and drink fluoridated water but have a really great medical policy? But you feel safe because you have a gun with a box of ammo!

            Don't worry about nut cases like myself gettin ya. I live in the mountains in N. Idaho with the Hillbilly's. My girl friend has a purty tooth, but when she was my little sister she had almost all her teeth. I raise goats for milk, Bee's for honey, gardens for real food. Solar Panels for power and a pet deer named BABY!

            SO good luck to you being afraid of the paper tiger called guberment. Perhaps you might write your congressman so he can fix it all for you.
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            • Posted by jabuttrick 10 years, 1 month ago
              Sorry you can't be bothered with proof to back up any of your assertions. While I agree it may not be important for you to convince me, you have a wider audience here and some of them may be intrigued by your claims. Now they know you have no proof for any of it save your own anecdotal claims of success. You are right about one thing: One of us is very "afraid." In fact, one of us is paranoid and delusional. P.S. An old acquaintance of mine named Irwin Schiff figured out how the tax laws didn't apply to him and did not file returns for many years. He ended up in federal prison. I sincerely hope that doesn't happen to you.
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              • Posted by MannaMade 10 years, 1 month ago
                Are you a truth seeker? Is it more important for you to be right or to get it right? Perhaps it may be worth my while if you are truly interested in getting it right, as I am. Instead of painting over everything I've said with one paint stroke, start from the beginning and a few points at a time challenge my assertions and i will point by point make my argument. I wish I had the time to swallow the whole challenge and write a book in response, but complicated subjects often times take more than some quick off the shelf answer. Time is a valuable commodity to me, I live in the woods of North Idaho, I live off grid, I raise milking goats and other live stock, I work 50 hours a week so that I may live like a hillbilly, as one friend who has chosen the same life style said, "its expensive living like a poor person" LOL, I had to agree. We have winter to contend with, firewood requirements and then there are liberty meetings like oath keepers and local action groups, plus assisting citizens in their court battles. So I didn't mean to sound arrogant. I intend to change the direction of this conversation to one that might be more meaningful, if you wish to. I have to get some chores done right now but I will pick it up tomorrow, again if you wish.

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