Download Atlas Shrugged: Part II English Subtitle Zip File
Posted by WesleyMooch 12 years, 5 months ago to Movies
Other than taking the Turing to prove you're not a Toohey-troll-bot, you shouldn't have to jump another hoop to download the English subtitles SubRip zip file I created last night.
Unzip the .srt file, put it in the folder containing your Atlas Shrugged: Part II official trailer (right-click and Save Target As [Internet Explorer] or Save Link As [Firefox]
Grab yourself a copy of 3 2 1 Media Player Classic - Home Cinema (most folks will want either the 32-bit or the 64-bit installer -- if you don't know which your machine is, use the 32-bit), install, you may be prompted to restart your machine, browse to the movie trailer...
P.S. If you're a VLC media player enthusiast who, unlike myself, can achieve 1080p playback without stop-action effects, Mr. (or Miss), you're a better geek than I!
Unzip the .srt file, put it in the folder containing your Atlas Shrugged: Part II official trailer (right-click and Save Target As [Internet Explorer] or Save Link As [Firefox]
Grab yourself a copy of 3 2 1 Media Player Classic - Home Cinema (most folks will want either the 32-bit or the 64-bit installer -- if you don't know which your machine is, use the 32-bit), install, you may be prompted to restart your machine, browse to the movie trailer...
P.S. If you're a VLC media player enthusiast who, unlike myself, can achieve 1080p playback without stop-action effects, Mr. (or Miss), you're a better geek than I!
As for the die-hard Windows Media Player Loyalist's getting the .srt file format (or any other subtitle format, for that matter) to work -- good luck with that.
Thanks, WM!