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  • Posted by theidealnate 12 years ago
    Everytime I read idiots like this, and find their thesis, you realize they never even got the point.

    #1 Galt isn't ACTING "entitled" and whining...he freakin IS entitled to the profits of his work which is getting STOLEN from the industrialists.

    #2 Yes there are new industrialists ready to step up and TRY to take Galt's place...but the books entire point is that Government and the "entitled" lazy asses of the world are RIPPING THEM OFF and creating laws making success in new businesses almost impossible...this is NOT a false theme, it is the result of socialism/communism as proved by EVERY socialist/communist the proof is there.

    This guy is an idiot arguing from a false premise.
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 12 years ago
    I stopped reading when I hit the c word. Any intelligent person wouldn't use it.
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    • Posted by ssuummyy 12 years ago
      Leave it to the word mincers to resort to crass language like that. I'm set in my ways having gotten past that kind of crude language. I hope, for the sake of the one who wrote this article, that he/she has room for a great deal of improvement.
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  • Posted by StephSCO 12 years ago
    I don't know who the person is that wrote this vicious screed, but if he were ever to show up on here, I would hope that whoever runs this board would shut him down from the very first f-bomb. If there's one thing I have no patience for, it's fools.
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  • Posted by JeanPaulZodeaux 12 years ago
    Re: JML's reply

    "Basically when you combine the three you can argue that the Constitution states that any law the United States government makes that is "necessary ..."

    This is all I could get from your post since, but from this I can respond to the gist of your argument. You can take anything from the Constitution and make any argument you want, the burden of proof still lies with the one asserting the argument. The problem does not lie in the language of these clauses. The problem lies with we the people and our failure to effectively challenge bogus arguments. Throughout this nations history there have been several suspicious challenges to federal legislation. Most recently the challenges against the Affordable Health Care Act were highly suspicious. This should have been blatantly obvious to any person of average intelligence and any person of average intelligence has the obligation to know the fundamental difference between an ex-ante argument and a ex-post argument.

    Necessary and proper are two very precise words and when the federal government is able to let bogus legislation stand that is not necessary nor proper after it has been challenged in the courts, it is wise to look at who did the challenging and the arguments they made. There are no magic words that will prevent ambitious politicians from searching for loopholes and ways around Constitutional restraints. Constant vigilance by those who hold the inherent political power is necessary at all times, and it is proper.

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  • Posted by XenokRoy 12 years ago
    As much as I hate to admit this, I dont really like the John Galt charter in the book. I like Fransicso and Dagny and in particular Hank Reardon. Ragnar is awesome to.

    While I agree with the premises of the book and really enjoy it, the character of John Galt is one that I just never liked all that well. He started the strike, and ends it but otherwise he just does not grab me at all.

    That being said the article is well from someone who obviously does not understand real world and only the theoretical world. John Galt and the idea of a gultch is fantasy, I think we all realize it, but dam its good to have a fantasy to dream about.

    The difference is my fantasy is a world where everyone trades value for value and is so honest in there dealings with other men that no government is needed. In this world a person who owns a steel mill would put pollution controls on it not because a government forced him to but because pouting the environment to the point of destroying it is bad for himself.

    This persons fantasy is a world where the people are slaves to the government and do what they should because if they do not they get killed, go to jail, get beat up with the billy club of choice....

    the bottom line is I believe in the individual, and their ability to recognize and act upon what is best for them. I believe that natural consequences for actions will catch up to and teach those that fail to recognize what action is best for them, if those natural consequences are not altered by society.

    The guy who wrote this article does not believe that the average person can learn and grow and reach a point where they will make good choices for themselves. If he does his writing indicates otherwise.

    Entitlement brings out the worst in people, working for and keeping what you earn brings out the best. Those who do not understand this want entitlements; those that do want compensation based on the value they produce.
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  • -10
    Posted by JGISSD 12 years ago
    You mean one of those days when people Live in the real world, and not in the fantasized ramblings of a coked-up drug addict who was such a megalomaniac and control freak that she died literally friendless, on the public dime no less.
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    • Posted by $ 12 years ago
      ^Straw man and irrelevant to the article.
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      • -7
        Posted by JGISSD 12 years ago
        I think you should actually read the article. My comment mirrors the sentiments of the author.
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        • Posted by $ 12 years ago
          Your assumption that I haven't read the article is incorrect.
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          • -8
            Posted by JGISSD 12 years ago
            and yet you call my comments a "straw man" argument and irrelevant to what the author wrote.
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            • Posted by JeanPaulZodeaux 12 years ago
              Since your comments "mirror" the author they are straw man arguments. Not to mention ad hominem attacks on the person. Pangburn instantly misrepresents Atlas Shrugged with his very first sentence:

              "“Who is John Galt?” The famous opening line of Ayn Rand’s masturbatory hymn to entitled capitalist “heroes.”

              Of course, in Atlas Shrugged there are rich people who see themselves as entitled, capitalist or not, but Rand makes clear these people are either "looters" or "moochers". James Taggart is just such one. A man who has inherited a rail road company and pays himself well to run it into the ground. A looter. Starkly contrasting James is his sister Dagney who earns her way desperately trying to keep the company afloat. Atlas Shrugged is an ode to her and people like her, whether they be John Galt, Hank Reardon, or Eddie Willers or even the "expert" bus driver or train engineer Pat Logan. Rand clearly admires these people, rich, poor, or middle class, and admires them for their effort and confident expertise. This Pangburn ignores in order to create his straw man you now proudly mirror.

              It is doubtful Pangburn read any page of Atlas Shrugged and is merely parroting what he's read in Cliff Notes and other articles creating the same or similar straw man arguments. Not only does Pangburn misrepresent Atlas Shrugged, he misrepresents the Prometheus myth once again ignoring that Prometheus is alternately seen as a hero by some and a villain by others who revile him for bringing the wrath of the gods down upon humanity. In that dichotomy we see the similarities that Rand speaks to in Atlas Shrugged, where those who admired Prometheus as a hero recognize the fallibility of gods and mysticism, but those who revile Prometheus are helplessly trapped in mysticism and forever the effect of the whims of gods. While Pangburn shows he can sling obscenities around with the best of them, he shows little else other than profound ignorance.

              Take note how Pangburn places quotation marks around "discovered" positing that if this were to happen today Galtian admirers would patent fire as theirs. Yet fire was discovered. Until man first saw fire man remained ignorant of fire, and more importantly, until man discovered the benefits of fire, what they knew of fire was its harmful effects. It was the discovery of fires benefits that made it such an important discovery in the steady march upward for mankind.

              Pangburn amusingly asks his readers to imagine what would happen if Jobs, Gates and Zuckerberg had refused to share their genius with the world and what is so amusing in this is that his argument winds up making the very same point Rand made.

              Finally, Pangburn expects his readers to accept his fantasy that the internet is "free" because one man according to Pangburn didn't become a millionaire, and with out even a wink and nod, he asks his reader to pretend we read his article for "free", but someone, somewhere is paying for the internet provider that allows reading that article and this is why Rand has so little regard for the moochers. They don't even bother to wonder how it is that which they're benefiting from was made possible. That ignorance makes it easier to dismiss the effort put behind what it is they benefit from and that dismissal of effort becomes effort expected as sacrifice instead of the praise and compensation that is earned. An even exchange between individuals is not evil. It is just. An uneven exchange between individuals is not just it stems from a sense of entitlement. John Galt never demanded uneven exchange.

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              • Posted by XenokRoy 12 years ago
                I wanted to thank you for your effort in writing this JeanPaulZodeaux because I enjoyed reading it. Hopefully you enjoy reading something I share at some point as much as I would like to give you value for value I received here.

                I found this particularly well written.

                Thanks You
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              • -7
                Posted by JGISSD 12 years ago
                You speak as if equity is part of the equation for how American-style Capitalism is performed, but of course that's a pile of hooey. Capitalism the way we practice it is based on stealing the value of the work others. The CEO to worker pay ratio averages 22-1 across Capitalist nations excluding the US. In the US, the ratio exceeds 450-1.Capitalism in America isn't about rewarding those who work hard and smart, it's about rewarding the greediest amongst us who find ways to screw others for profit.

                For generations, we convinced ourselves of the righteousness of using slave labor to enrich ourselves. Some of us grew beyond that dark moment in our nation's history. The rest became Objectivists.
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                • Posted by JeanPaulZodeaux 12 years ago
                  The Capitalism Rand advocated had nothing to do with the highly corporatized economic system today that so many fools call "capitalism". These same fools point to the U.S. market and call it a "free market" without a hint of irony. These same fools yammer on about "deregulation" as if it is unregulation. Corporations are chartered entities and exist by the good graces of the state that chartered them and your vaunted "workers" could pool their resources to lobby states to revoke charters and put an end to those corporations you have such a problem with, but this ain't gonna happen, and your vaunted workers don't want it. They want the cush corporate job, and have no regard for the mom and pop small business because at least they are not so stupid as to believe they can loot mom and pop the same way they can loot a corporation. Then your vaunted workers turn around and whine because as it turns out it is the CEO who - as the worker believes - has looted them.

                  This economy is not going to get any better as long as the vast majority of the unemployed keep insisting that someone has to give them a job. Continual stimulation of an industrial base that is long past obsolete is not going to do a damn thing for your vaunted worker class. What your vaunted workers need is to support an imagination economy where at least some of those damned workers evolve into business owners so that your vaunted worker class can someday have a job.

                  If your vaunted worker class is as precious as you seem to think it is, they could always pool their resources and build their own business and compete with those "capitalists" you bemoan, and then and only then will your vaunted worker class come to know the true value of labor.

                  A highly regulated market place is not a free and open marketplace. An increasingly corporatized market is not a market filled with massive competition, and fiat currency is not a currency by which people can reasonably agree upon the value of that currency.

                  You can whine, sputter, and fluster and blame, blame, blame, and then "mirror" an article that hopelessly turns the tables and act as if they are nothing more than a five year old that constantly screams "I know you are but what am I?" all you want. As long as you identify with the worker class, you are one who expects someone else to provide you with a job. You will not go out into the wild and make your own way, you will insist that others have the obligation to make your way for you.

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                  • -9
                    Posted by JGISSD 12 years ago
                    Show me an unregulated "free market" where the citizens don't live in quiet despair because greed at the top knows no bounds.

                    In stopping abuses of a self-serving corporate infrastructure, our government is doing exactly what the Constitution mandates it to do: Protect us from harm at the hands of powerful interest groups, foreign or domestic.

                    As long as you remain an advocate for American-style Capitalism, you will think that one man has the right to steal the value of another man's labors, and then declare it's all kosher, because the other guy agreed to his mistreatment. lol
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                    • Posted by JeanPaulZodeaux 12 years ago
                      This is the fantasy of the Marxist, that somehow surrendering their own individual sovereignty in exchange for "citizenship" will ease their suffering.

                      "Dagny, it's not that I don't suffer, it's that I know the unimportance of suffering. I know that pain is to be fought and thrown aside, not to be accepted as part of one's soul and as a permanent scar across one's view of existence. Don't feel sorry for me."

                      ~John Galt to Dagny Taggart~

                      Of course, take note how you simply ignored the thrust of my post and continue to pretend that I am advocating "American style Capitalism" which is nothing more than a word to disguise the Marxist-Keynesian mess that is the economy today. Your insistence in living in a world of make believe is the primary source of all your despair.

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                      • -8
                        Posted by JGISSD 12 years ago
                        Why would pointing out the obvious hypocrisy of Randians put me in despair? I think it's unfortunate, because the result is that hard-working people get hurt by those who believe their American "freedoms" extend to bringing harm upon others, but it doesn't particularly pain to me to acknowledge evil exists in the form of the John Galts of the world.
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                        • Posted by JeanPaulZodeaux 12 years ago
                          That's it, keep pretending and making straw man arguments. Your not in pain but, but, but, they're in pain, but, but, but, you're not in pain, it's just that, it's just that, it's just...well, they're in pain...but, but, but, you're not in pain.
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                          • -7
                            Posted by JGISSD 12 years ago
                            That's another Randian trait btw... claiming that you have "logic" and "reason" on your side, and disavow anyone who proves otherwise be claiming their superior arguments are straw men. Looking at it from the Progressive perspective, all you have to do to defeat Conservative logic is to point out that their root logic is based in a false premise (such as declaring that people working for minimum wage are not being coerced.) As soon as you've reframed to argument back to one rooted in actual logic, the Republicans and the Randites will cry foul, because you've taken all their carefully crafted talking points away from them.
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                        • Posted by ZaroSath 12 years ago
                          i hate to see differences in views collide, facts are facts but its possible to view things differently even when.. facts are facts, is it not possible both views are correct at the same time? what your talking about jgissd reminds me of communism though i'm not saying it is. i was about to say its a problem with the way corporations are designed to work and was about to suggest perhaps a type of company where each individual profits the same and works the same? but each role acts differently and one can be harder and one can be easier, i was then reminded of the movie atlas shrugged part 1 about how a company tried that philosophy and ran into problems :o in the end it depends on how you look like it, one such as yourself may say that workers of such a company are getting abused or hurt or whatever you want to call it while the other side may come to the conclusion that those workers agreed to work there and agreed on that much money for that amount of work and has the freedom to make their own company and run it their own way if they so wish so let me also add the fact hopefully somewhere in the middle that one man cant be expected to run his own business and output the same amount of production as a normal business with multiple employee's would and that is why he hires people to do the extra workload needed and comes to an agreement with each of his employee's of how much money they make based on the amount of work they do and you seem to look at it as if some king of the hill sits on the top and doesnt share the loot with his employees despite the fact that he makes millions but let me ask you this, do you honestly expect him to give handouts when they are already getting paid for how much work they really put in? hey, i'm all for fair pay for the work done and employees should not be abused but how is this abusive? the bottem line is they get paid for how much they do, are you butt hurt that such people happen to make more money then you? i can understand that CEO's can look like moochers but you cant beat my argument i have just presented.
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                          • -6
                            Posted by JGISSD 12 years ago
                            Lots of false assumptions there. I own a company that employs 140 people, and am certainly one of the top wage earners of this group. Our company reimburses every employee for the full value of their labor. We keep nothing for the company except for marketing and growth. The rest goes to those whose work created the profits.
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                            • Posted by ZaroSath 12 years ago
                              i honestly dont know if i believe someone acting like yourself but that doesnt matter, it sounds like a great company philosophy but i'm abit confused, what if they are already getting paid for their work and the company already has enough for marketing and growth? are you saying it is wrong to keep that extra money when it has no other use?
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                              • Posted by ZaroSath 12 years ago
                                at this point it sounds like you are saying that its wrong to make a choice with your own company no matter what the choice is when it is just that, yours and no one elses (also reminds me of the movie lol i havent read the book)

                                i dont mean to put words into your mouth i'm just trying to come to an understanding without conflict.. that said, those actions caused by a company owner for example CAN indeed cause harm to workers like for example if the factory shuts down in a town and most of the town works there but it all comes down to whether to take away freedoms to stop things like this happening or not, i'm on the side of not (which is an entirely different topic)
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                              • -4
                                Posted by JGISSD 12 years ago
                                I saying I didn't build that, my employee did, and they are rightfully entitled to the profits they generated. I receive an hourly salary no larger than my best paid employee. By taking care of my employees, they work to help increase the value of the company itself. That is more than enough payment for my efforts. I don't need to gouge them for additional profits on top of that.
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                                • Posted by ZaroSath 12 years ago
                                  i'll agree with you this far, there are those who would do harm to others because of their greed such as buying people out for their patent and then profiting 200 times what they paid for it but i think the rand point of view would be that they are moochers instead of the producers, in which case it seems we are arguing for the same thing? i'm getting out of here before i give myself a headache (too late!) but that does not mean capitalism is evil because of the rotten eggs, it may produce the perfect atmosphere for them however..
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                                  • -4
                                    Posted by JGISSD 12 years ago
                                    Capitalism in America is rotten because those with the abillity to stop the rape and pillaging refuse to do so because it might interfere with their ability to get theirs. It's a disease.
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                            • Posted by XenokRoy 12 years ago
                              So What percentage do you keep for marketing and growth? 30%, 12% what percentage is it?

                              Based off your earlier posts you would keep to little and your company would ultimately fail when hard times hit it because you would not have the capital to ride out the storms.

                              Do you share equally in all the pay? Does everyone get the same money for whatever job they do? If not you are behaving differently in your company than your posts would say you believe.

                              If you are paying everyone the same how do you keep good talent and still maintain a proffit to pay your investors/owners for their investment? Because differences in pay between the bairly get the job done employee and the do more than is required employee have to be great enough to keep the latter around or they find something that pays better and they are gone.

                              How do you solve these problems with Marxist ideals? I would love to know because I do not believe they can be solved with Marxist ideals.
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                              • -6
                                Posted by JGISSD 12 years ago
                                Marxism does not demand equal pay for all, nor does it demand that the able-bodied who refuse to work receive a damned penny. If you had read even a single chapter from one of Marx's books, you would already know this. Marxism, as Marx described it, requires that those who work harder, or more intelligently, or who add more value as the result of their efforts, are entitled to a proportionally greater share of the profits. If that sounds an awful lot like textbook Capitalism, its because it is. It's not even remotely similar to textbook self-serving Randism however. because Randism is in many ways the polar opposite of Capitalism.
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                                • Posted by XenokRoy 12 years ago
                                  Mmmm... and who determines whom gets what according to marxism? That is the core problem you must overcome.
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                                  • -5
                                    Posted by JGISSD 12 years ago
                                    Marxism is based in Capitalism, and in it's truest form is identical to Capitalism except for who owns the means of production: The people performing the work, or a private owner who sees fit to arbitrarily assign pay scales based on his interests alone. The answer to your question is obvious: the people do. There is no problem here. I use this method transparently with my own employees, and there has never been a single salary dispute in the 18 years I've been in business. Of course, my workers understand my goal is not to screw them over so I alone can profit.
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                • Posted by Elliot 12 years ago
                  We don't practice capitalism. In fact, we have not been a truly capitalist country in most of our lifetimes, if at all. We are a mixed economy. Any "slavery" or "screwing over hard workers" that's taken place has been caused by government intrusion into the private sector, and that is demonstrable even through the most cursory evaluation of history.

                  And this slavery rhetoric is so ridiculous it robs the concept of slavery of any meaning. In this country, you can work for someone else, you can work for yourself, or you can be poor and die on the streets, but it's always in your hands. There's no slavery. There's no "ownership" of the people who work for you. It's a trade, pure and simple. Anybody who claims that Objectivism supports slavery has clearly never read Rand and has never understood Objectivism at all.
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                  • Posted by eilinel 12 years ago
                    "Any "slavery" or "screwing over hard workers" that's taken place has been caused by government intrusion into the private sector, and that is demonstrable even through the most cursory evaluation of history. "
                    That's not entirely true. In the early days of industry, especially the coal mines, workers got charged for their company houses and company tools up front, so that they started out in debt to the company, and were paid in company scrip that couldnt be used anywhere else. The one thing I thank unions for, although I think they've long outlived their usefulness.
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                    • -5
                      Posted by JGISSD 12 years ago
                      Unions have never been more popular in America, however today we call them trade groups instead of trade unions, and they support the ideals of management and owners, and not the workers.
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                  • -9
                    Posted by JGISSD 12 years ago
                    I see... so slavery doesn't exist any more in America, but the "creators" are entitled to all the profits of the work done by others.

                    And greed is good.

                    Rand trained you well, leading you to think that commerce in America is based on an uncoerced trade of value for value. Which is why wealth in our nation is flowing from the poor to the wealthy at the fastest rate in our nation's history, as the Randites complain that those who did the actual work to create the product are being "moochers" for asking that the "creators" fulfill the responsibilities to their society that they agree to meet when the went into business in America.

                    Why is it so difficult for you to accept that you've climbed in bed with financial terrorists?

                    Without the assistance of our government and our workers, your precious "creators" would be impotent.
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                    • Posted by Elliot 12 years ago
                      True creators are not - and do not feel - entitled to anyone's labor other than their own. There is no slavery in America except for those who choose to escape the responsibility of working to sustain and enhance their lives.

                      I don't understand why you think "wealth is flowing from the poor to the wealthy", when wealth is CREATED, not stolen or looted like in other countries. And the notion that the people doing "actual work" are the people at the bottom is a fallacy; how does one create a job for others without doing his own work?

                      And there are no responsibilities to society, and nobody agreed to anything. There is no obligation to give money to those who haven't earned it, and there is no responsibility to pay someone more than what they've earned.
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                      • -7
                        Posted by JGISSD 12 years ago
                        "True creators are not - and do not feel - entitled to anyone's labor other than their own."

                        Gotta love how some people can look directly at a huge zit on their face, and swear up and down it's not there. what people have "earned?" I notice that you are the one making that determnination. The people whose labor you stole en route to your "earning" may have a slightly different perspective on what the relationship was all about.
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                        • Posted by Elliot 12 years ago
                          I think the more accurate analogy would be how some people can jump up and down that there is a zit on someone else's face when there actually isn't one.

                          At any rate, all of the so-called holes you're bringing up about Rand and her philosophy have all been addressed and answered satisfactorily in her own non-fiction writings, which you haven't read (like you say you did). Go do your homework and then come back to the masterclass.
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                          • -7
                            Posted by JGISSD 12 years ago
                            wrong-o buck-o. I've read nearly everything Rand wrote, as well as what most of her fans and detractors had to say about her, along with studying the long history of her gradual slide into dementia. I am speaking from a place of knowledge, not from a place of Randian fear-based fantasy that perceives anyone who fights for economic justice as being a socialist "moocher."
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                            • Posted by XenokRoy 12 years ago
                              The very fact that you would the term of Economic justice to describe stealing from the rich to give to the poor is appalling. Theft is never just and economic justice is nothing more than a thug with a very large club stealing from one person to give it to another.

                              Do you think that if I had a neighbor with two cars and one with no car and I stole one of my neighbors cars to give to the neighbor with no car I should not go to jail for theft?

                              Such an act would be the entity of me doing exactly what economic justice has the entity of the government doing. So why is OK for the entity of the government but not for the entity of me?

                              Until we live in a land where the same law applies equally to all entities rich or poor, black or white... regardless of differences there can be no justice of any kind. That applies to all entities within the land, Corporate entities, individuals and government entities. In a land that follows the rule of law, theft no matter who the thief is, is wrong.
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                              • -5
                                Posted by JGISSD 12 years ago
                                I love how "history" in your mind begins in the present day. You are in possession of "earnings", and the moochers are trying to take it away from you, never mind that most of the money in the hands of the financial elites was generated by stealing from the value of the labor of their workers, and never mind that part of the deal of wealth creation in the US, FROM THE OUTSET is paying taxes to help enable the society that enabled your wealth for you. Calling reasonable taxation "theft" is more than an intellectual liberty, it's an outright lie. And did I mention that both individual and corporate taxation is at a 40 year low? (because you conveniently forgot, didn't you. lol.)
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                                • Posted by XenokRoy 12 years ago
                                  You show the lack of brain within your head.


                                  Number one economic problem in the US is our corporate tax rates, they are the highest in the world at 35%, even china has reduced them from 33% to 25%. You want jobs here, it has to be cost effective to do business here. Even adjusted for tax breaks its still 28% and china gives breaks as well.

                                  I wont be responding to you again. Its not worth my time as you are obviously unable to read and understand what you read.
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                                  • -4
                                    Posted by JGISSD 12 years ago
                                    Number one economic problem in the US is people like you insisting the tax rate is 35%, when almost no American businessman pay an EFFECTIVE rate of over 20%, and nearly 1/5th pay 0%.

                                    You do your legitimacy as a man of principle a disservice when you start your arguments with a premise you know to be wholly false.
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                                    • Posted by XenokRoy 12 years ago
                                      Obviously did not read my post nor the article I linked too. SInce forbes says teh corporate average is 28% in the uS based on data, you once again lie. Read the article
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                                      • -3
                                        Posted by JGISSD 12 years ago
                                        I did read it, and you take it out of context, deliberately, I might add. The data ignores investment income, which represents 30% of our GDP, and for which the average effective tax rate is single digit.

                                        How convenient of you. Mitt Romney would be proud.
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            • Posted by theidealnate 12 years ago
              Irrelevant because her imperfection as a person is NOT a litmus test to the truth of her ideals. We might as well throw out the constitution because Jefferson had slaves...That is the logic of your statement.
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              • -5
                Posted by JGISSD 12 years ago
                No. The logic of the statement is that we should throw out the idea of slavery in order to protect the Constitution. When ideas become dangerous to the well-being of our nation, we reject them, just as we must reject the self-serving impulses of Randites who insist they must be allowed to live in a bubble, free from societal obligations.

                Very very dangerous thought process.
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                • Posted by ZaroSath 12 years ago
                  "You will not go out into the wild and make your own way, you will insist that others have the obligation to make your way for you." cant have said it better myself, i think it needs to be said again. regarding social obligation i'm going to assume your referring to things like taxes? i think obligations like taxes have a way of serving oneself although big problems arise when the government over reaches its boundaries and tries to tax everything from boos to hiking up in the woods someplace sometimes just to have a form of control over the market or rake in extra cash, that said it is also self serving as it is used to help maintain the parks you hiked in or help regulate volatile business and use that money to help lower taxing in other areas overall, again the main concern is government overreaching its authority interfering in the natural order of things, such as survival of the fittest as example.
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                  • -5
                    Posted by JGISSD 12 years ago
                    "interfering with the natural order of things" lol.

                    The natural order of things is when society works together to build a stronger America for the common good. Self-serving greed is about as anti-natural as it gets. No society has every survived when following those ideals.
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                    • Posted by Signofthedollar 12 years ago
                      So tells us, which society has survived? Let's see Egypt, nope Romans did them in, Romans, nope Visigoths and others got them, Holy Roman Empire.... nope dey gone. Ok Byzantium, successors to Romans and they are gone....the Xai, Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han, gone, Jin, Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing, and the republic gone. Who's left? What society survived intact? Answer is none. What did they have in common? Slavery or the subservience of one man to another. So who determines the "common good"? The new emperor? The new dictator? You maybe?
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                    • Posted by ZaroSath 12 years ago
                      where did i mention self-serving for greed? i gave several examples, it was how being taxed is self serving to maintain such things like a government or state parks.. can i not take you seriously? wait dont answer that, trolls will be trolls.
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                • Posted by theidealnate 12 years ago
                  Here is where liberals become hypocrites...

                  By what religion, creed or ideaology do you define what "obligations" each person has? And what gives YOU the power to define them for anyone else?

                  You see, those exact questions are what makes you equivilent to the "fundamentalist", jihadist, crusader, etc. What you don't want to admit is you have your own belief of what I should do as a societal obligation, and believe that through the force of government you have the right to make me do it. It is what turns "humanist idealists" into murderous communists.
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                  • -3
                    Posted by JGISSD 12 years ago
                    It's called the Constitution. Each generation is free to decide for themselves what they consider the general welfare. That fact that you don't like it doesn't make that clause of the Constitution any less real.

                    There is no force involved. When you went into business in America you agreed to pay taxes. Now that the bill has come due, you have become a moocher. Save me the hysteria about communism. There are no parallels, just greed which needs to find an enemy to blame.
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                    • Posted by JeanPaulZodeaux 12 years ago
                      As a point of law and as a matter of fact each generation is not free to decide what they consider the term "general welfare" to mean. Since the Constitution itself declines to offer up any legal definition of the term then we are obligated to look to what the term meant at the time it was written. This legal principle has long been a part of American jurisprudence, most notably in Eisner v. Macomber.

                      Law is not some willy nilly whatever the majority makes of it proposition and ignorantia juris non excusat!

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                      • -1
                        Posted by JGISSD 12 years ago
                        Legal precedence defines how we MUST interpret the Constitution. You can whine all you want, but the Constitution tells us this is true. The courts are not even allowed to accept a case if the Supreme Court has already defined a legal interpretation, as it has in this case.

                        To claim that the Constitution is not a living breathing document, open to future legal interpretation, is to deny the entire and legislative and judiciary branches.

                        More importantly, it ignores that the founders wanted America to form our own nation in our own image, not in theirs. The Constitution is not a road map, it's a set of rules for the road. We choose our own path. That's the way the founders intended it, free will and all.
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                        • Posted by JeanPaulZodeaux 12 years ago
                          Precisely what "case" are you referring to?

                          The Constitution is a document written on paper. Paper does not breathe and under our current definitions of life, is not living. It is one thing to speak metaphorically, it is another, and entirely absurd to entrench oneself in the insistence that paper and ink lives and breathes.

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