The type of news you never hear,but know exists. It doesn't fit the narrative. No dirty laundry so you won't find it in the MSM. Good stuff. Governments are responsible for most poverty.
Nice post. However, define "poor." I'll bet by their standards our poor would be the elite in their third world countries. Such a relative term. Poor in the third world countries is absymal. Poor in my town get free lodging and a membership to the local YMCA to excercise.
Good point. Everything can be compared and things can be worse. The only thing I don't appreciate hearing from others in my life, you should be grateful for what you have and not complain you don't have more. First part I agree with, second never. I always want more and I have a right to. A Rockefeller was once asked what else do you want, and he said a little bit more.
Governments are responsible for most poverty.