The Theory of Everything

Posted by Itheliving 10 years, 3 months ago to Movies
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The Theory of Everything / Rated PG-13 for adult themes
Stephen Hawking graduated from College when his I.Q. was already higher than all his Professor’s. In fact his is just 3 points lower than mine. That is pretty darn smart. He is a mathematician and physicist. I have always found all facets of these sciences simplistic, so instead of working on the theory of everything, I choose to watch football and drink beer. Stephen Hawking (note he has the same initials of the world’s most famous detective) is now 72 and this is, in itself, remarkable. In the mid 60’s he was diagnosed with a motor neuron disease which is like ALS. He was given only two years to live. ALS is Lou Gehrig’s disease and has become prominent in the news lately with everyone pouring ice water over their head’s to help with a cure.
TTOE is a film about the life of SH from his college days and his marriage to Jane Hawking and relationship with his therapist, Elaine, who became the second Mrs. Hawking. It is about his journey to lead a life under great physical constraints while raising 3 children and discovering why everything exists and what it’s all about. He also had a TV movie based on his life made for the BBC back in 2004. His portrayer at that time was Benedict Cumberbatch who now plays the detective with those SH initials. Coincidence? Does this mean that in 2024 someone else will make a movie about SH, either the detective or the physicist? I have a theory about this but it’s mathematical length will not allow it to be included here.
The new film is beautifully done on multiple levels. Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones have the two primary roles as SH and his extremely patient and loving wife. Charlie Cox plays a church organist and Maxine Peake is the therapist. Both cause rifts in the marriage for various reasons. Eddie & Felicity are both superb, especially ER in the physically challenging role of SH. The movie is a fine weave of the personal problems and scientific triumphs of Doctor Hawking. He continues to work and write and still pursues a mathematical answer which will provide the Theory of Everything. Einstein thought he had done this with E=MCsquared. I built on Einstein’s obvious mistakes in my book “No, it doesn’t. Well, not exactly.” which is still looking for a publisher. This movie is highly recommended but there is no violence or things blowing up unless you count when student Hawking falls and hits his head and the Universe made it’s really big bang.
Rated 3.9 out of 4.0 added up comes to 7.9 = something.

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  • Posted by 10 years, 3 months ago
    I am getting tired of all this sass lip from obvious intellectually inferior cretins. I will be reporting all of you as soon as I can figure out who to report you to.
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  • Posted by $ Commander 10 years, 3 months ago
    A thanks to You, Straighline, Robbie and Edweaver for assisting the expulsion of my coffee through my sinuses! Hope this event doesn't affect my IQ !!!
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