19 Signs That You Live In A Country That Has Gone Completely Insane
Posted by UncommonSense 10 years, 2 months ago to Government
Um...yep. For any international Gulchers: are you seeing the same signs? The loonies are running wild here in the USA. I wish I could say something, but I'm not an international banker nor am I a lobbyist, therefore, I am nobody to a congressman/senator.
I'm hoping to 'turn' my step-grandson from the path he's being led down by his parents, peers and schools. It may be working. When he makes a statement that describes a 'problem,' I ask him, "Well, why do you think THAT happens?" and we drill down towards the REAL root cause of the issue. He is willing to drill down more layers than anyone I've ever met.
There might be hope for his generation... :)
It will only be a temporary condition.
I guess by the mid 80s we were out in some ways, but many of our problems today extend back to those years or beyond.
Actually to be honest about it, Reagan is the only candidate in my memory I voted for rather than voting against someone else.
I voted for Reagan twice. I am obviously a bit older... Those were the only two votes, that in retrospect, I can say were tolerable choices that did have a chance. Let us hope for better in the future. You deserve a chance to vote for someone, as opposed to against...
I wonder how many Zombies have been created through decades of anger fueled adrenaline burnout?
We really have two types of zombies...
The never developed will type and the burned out type.
This is a truly insane place. I mean really, 75k in damages because a teen age boy cant go into the girls bathroom to get an eye full. Really?
I did not know that being denied looking at a person naked caused a person damages, I mean how does that work?
And when an official repeatedly and systematically violates people's rights, that's what it means to be at war with the public (this is John Locke's definition).
If you get to know them and the people in their office the same way you get to know vendors and suppliers (yes, I know it should not be this way) and you reach out to them on imporant votes, you can make a huge impact. A lot of them may have gone to school with you or work with people and companies you work with. You can be a lobbyist without it becoming a full-time project.
But most of the people of the abovementioned persuasions are self-selected for 'wanting government to just get out of their way'. So appealing to us to be politically involved is like testing Eskimos for swimming ability...not impossible, but not a statistically high likelyhood.
For the 1st one, ok, perhaps 18 trillion dollars is a lie: technically, it's about 90 trillion dollars in debt when you include, social insecurity, medicare & medicade. Do you believe this debt can ever be repaid? If so, now that's insanity.
#2 shares that same problem only more so. Expecting a congresscritter to care about justice is like expecting a wolf to turn vegetarian.
I don't see any problem with #3 or #4.
#5 is the well known (to economists) fact of rational ignorance. David Friedman discusses it in "The Machinery of Freedom". http://daviddfriedman.com/The_Machinery_...
#6 is prejudice against the LGBT community.
#7 really is silly, but I doubt it's true. (And if the people involved are adults it's prejudice, too.)
I have no problem with #8, it's common sense.
#9 - Same answer as #2.
#10 - So what? Reality today IS depressing.
#11 - These are statist lies: (a) terrorism and sexual predators are common, (b) drug dealers (as opposed to drug laws themselves) harm the public, and (c) either or both of these so-called problems, or immigration, are emergencies justifying the loss of more of our rights.
(Gangs and welfare parasites ARE real hazards to you and me, but most of them are born right here in the US thanks to subsidies like AFDC/TANF that pay them to breed. Get welfare out of government hands and the problem will go away.)
The enemies list, on the other hand, is a real problem. It should be the #1 crime that Obama needs to answer for in court after leaving office.
#12 is a call for unacceptable censorship. (An arrest for "encouraging terrorism" would also be unacceptable censorship, but I haven't heard of it happening since Obama took office.)
#13 I agree with.
#14 is a lefty lie.
#15 I agree with.
#16 - Frankly, I'd rather see federal "workers" watching porn than doing what most of them consider to be their jobs.
#17 is prejudice. Payday lenders are necessary, not least because of unfair discrimination by banks, which regulators won't do anything about because banks have lobbyists with bags of money.
#18 is prejudice two ways. It's not wrong to illegally immigrate, and it is wrong for government people to promote the Christian idea of sexual morality on the job.
#19 - Same answer as #5.
I just thought I'd share an article that made my blood boil. Enjoy.
The nation, either way, is in serious trouble. I just don't see how this can end well. And, I don't see how it can maintain this facade that things are ok for much longer.
All moral standards eventually rely on amoral standards/natural laws which man had nothing to do with.
Notice I did not incorporate God into any of the above. If you reject most of the above because we are just a bunch of chemicals which happen to bounce around in an organized fashion resulting in survival of the fittest, you still cannot refute non-anthropic natural law which provide standards upon which man develops standards for survival and cultural function.
Be careful saying ALL.
+1 for you