Oil Economics, Part 2

Posted by straightlinelogic 10 years, 1 month ago to Economics
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The subprime fiasco offers the perfect analogy. Just as everything “worked” as long as house prices kept going up, the dreams in the oil patch seemed plausible when its price was high. As soon as oil’s price headed in the undesired direction in this highly leveraged market, the dreams evaporated, just as they did in the highly leveraged housing market. The debt of the most indebted producers, now losing money, is worth less than face value. Their creditors will eventually recognize losses. As previously noted, the one wrinkle is that so many producers are governments. They have not, in most cases, explicitly backed their debt with oil revenues, but they had assumed those revenues and based their future spending plans on them. Call it “soft” debt.

This is an excerpt from an add-on piece to "Oil Ushers in the Depression," which proved controversial on Galt's Gulch and elsewhere. Click the link above for this article, and for a link to the earlier article.
SOURCE URL: http://straightlinelogic.com/2014/12/03/oil-economics-part-2-by-robert-gore/

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