Extraordinary - The Moral Case For Fossil Fuels

Posted by $ HeroWorship 10 years, 3 months ago to Books
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I am excited and provoked by the new book "The Moral Case For Fossil Fuels" by Alex Epstein. If you care about The Environment or the climate change debate, this book is a pleasurable powerhouse of reason and evidence.

Take a couple minutes and read the testimonials on the book page (see link), and get the first chapter free - so you can get a sense for how enjoyable and powerful Alex's writing is.

I believe that the topic of energy and the environment is one of the most important social conversations of the next decade. The costs (and potential costs) of using fossil fuels for energy are well publicized. The benefits are largely unstated or downplayed. This book shows us the critical importance of weighing the costs against the benefits to make optimal decisions for both people and planet.

I stand confident that whether you like or dislike the book, you will profit from reading it, and be provoked to clarify your own stance on what may be the most contentious issue of our time.
SOURCE URL: http://www.moralcaseforfossilfuels.com/

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