Time to make the arrest!
Posted by samrigel 10 years, 3 months ago to Government
It is time for the US Marshals to step up and make the arrest and hold over for trial one Barack H. Obama for aiding and abetting for every felony and misdemeanour committed by any and all illegal aliens that should have been deported..
(Apologies if I left out your favorite villain. It was unintentional.)
A hate crime would be tacked on to a false charge or false arrest.
They would be falsely yet fiercely despised as racist bigots until the end of their days.
Just think of all the garbage Ferguson is currently catching. There is a relationship to my imagined scenario.
p.s. as much as I hate to say it, we are headed
for a revolution of the haves versus the nots, or
the patriots versus the nots.
nation is like my family, however wonderfully
diverse -- and as a patriot, I want to protect as well
as nurture this family. . a perfect logical consequence
is to selectively admit family members from all over
the world, trying to get the very best. . and maybe
we could use the word neighborhood, since
community has the root word commune. love it!!! -- j
This is one of several reasons I support Glenn Beck's plea for non-violence.
Violence is what the statists are best at. If we beat them, it won't be by violence. Maybe if the Oath Keepers can recruit a majority of the military services I'll change that prediction.
Meanwhile I'm looking for a good camera. Because I expect *they* will use force.
But there are other, more important charges that should stick. One is material support to terrorists (by the arms trade he was negotiating at Benghazi, which is the real reason he allowed those diplomats to be killed). Another is selective enforcement of the IRS nonprofit rules against the Right. And third is illegally delaying parts of ObamaCare to try to help himself in midterm elections.
Additional charges that may or may not stick include getting us into two or three undeclared wars; unilateral attempts to enact cap-and-trade and card check, both without Congressional approval; keeping prisoners at Gitmo without trial or charges, under "lettres de cachet"; and the dismissal-after-conviction of the New Black Panthers voter-intimidation case because he and Holder are anti-white racists.
When GOP and independent candidates start to declare for 2016, we MUST ask each of them, "Will you prosecute BO for all these crimes?" And we must not take no for an answer.
Remember, the left would never let these things slide if we did them, and it is stupid to fight with one hand tied behind your back.
the cry will be "don't do this to the children!!!" -- j