Dr. Ben Carson-going to the White House?
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years, 10 months ago to Politics
He really has been calling out OB lately. What think you of this man who has put himself in the crosshairs of this administration's line of fire?
Since Carson, to make a hypothetically point, placed himself in the White House during his speech, one can not avoid making the inevitable comparison between Him and Obama.
And, what a contrast it is. The angry, embittered, and clever street organizer who learned quickly how to play the system for personal advancement, and the enviable George W. Carver alternative image that stands irrevocably opposed to him.
One would deconstruct the foundation of American traditions and values, while the other would reverantly support, defend, and reinforce it.
All is not lost with the likes of Dr. Carson in our midst.
My take is that Ayn Rand is "anti-religion" when it offers eternal life as the reward rather than rewards from hard work in the hear and now. I see organized religion suppressing productivity for the masses to ther benefit of the few at the top. Look at the wealth of the churches looting from the poor with the promise of eternal reward if you give up your worldy possessions. Dagny told Cheryl that charity is given to a person's stength, not weakness. Bottom line - its the negative suppresses effects of relgion to which Ayn Rands objects.
Ben Carson is a breath of fresh air and I hope he continues to hammer Obama. I'll be cheering in the background.
I do love that he and his wife started that foundation to give scholarships to academic achievers because we were ranked so low in math and science.