The Presidents Speech and my response to my Congresspeople

Posted by Owlsrayne 10 years, 2 months ago to Government
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How dare this illegal immigrant President give amnesty to millions of illegal hispanic illegals. He besmirches the European Immigrants that came to this country in the beginning of the 20th century. There was a system in place at that time that worked just fine. My Father and Mothers’ parents came from Europe, my Fathers parents came from Poland to be exact his father came from the Pomeranian area with 2 years of University and didn't wish to become cannon fodder in the front lines of the Austro-Hungarian Army. His mother came from Silesia near the Russian Border and was an illiterate country girl in servitude to a rich family. Both work hard to obtain their US citizenship. My mothers’ parents came from Holland since they didn't recognize the Netherlands as their country. My grandmother had a primary school education before coming to the US but ended up going school here to learn the language. My Grandfather went to Belgium to join up with the American Army and was mustered gassed in the War to End All Wars. He was sent to the US as a US Citizen as a thank you for serving his new country.
Comparing these still illegal aliens to my grandparents, they are getting a free ride. I am ashamed of our Congressional Reps-Senators I'm ashamed of this country in letting this Pres step on the Constitution.

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  • Posted by mdk2608 10 years, 2 months ago
    Good comments and I echo your thoughts. Obama being this so called “constitutional scholar” has figured out how to use our laws against us in a similar way that radical islamics are using our laws against us too. He is not a friend of the American people or one who will honor the sacrifices our ancestors made to make this country the shining city on the hill it used to be. Sad thing is Congress is backed into a corner with not many attractive options available to combat this traitor. Assuming we still have a country in 2 years it will be fascinating to learn what really happened behind the scenes when people write books and are free to talk more openly. There has to be a lot of people ticked at his conduct but it amazing how this is being suppressed. Granted the liberal press is offering cover, but I have to believe that the Secret Service has their hands full these days trying to run down all the people what are mad at this President. If you look closely Obama, does not make many public appearances that are not totally controlled where public exposure is limited or non-existent. Every once in a while you may see him out at Five Guys but it is controlled and impromptu. Prior to Obama it was not unusual to hear about the rising White Supremacy movement in the US and the rise of other such antigovernment control groups that were exposed after Waco. Today it’s like all these groups have disappeared. Hardly a word is mentioned about them. In my opinion one has to ask themselves “what is going on here?”
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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 10 years, 2 months ago
    He said he was going to fundamentally transform America. In obama speak that means I'm going to destroy you and if you don't like it you are a racistteorristichomophobicislamophobicguntottinidiotbecausei'msmarterthanyou.
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    • Posted by mdk2608 10 years, 2 months ago
      No one believed Hitler when he wrote Mein Kampf and many Americans had no idea Obama would transform American in a negative way. On a positive note Obama and the liberals have exposed themselves and their true intentions for all of us to see. Many of the closet liberals are now out and have expose their true intent. Their philosophy is rooted in Marxism and we all know where that road leads.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 2 months ago
    It may be time to re-initiate the investigation into whether Obama is a natural born citizen. Someone could come from another planet and seem more familiar to me than him.
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