Posted by samrigel 10 years, 3 months ago to Government
I need some serious help!! It is alleged that Chinese hackers can bring down our power grid. Wacko Al Bagdadi has said he is going to attack the US homeland. North Korean wants to Nuke us while Iran is building a Nuke to do the same. Our Veterans must wait for much needed healthcare in a system fraught with corruption and nepotism. But the only focus coming from Obama is the legalization of people who DO NOT belong in this country and who would have been shot entering Guatamala or Iran. What am I missing?????
trying to negate with their spin. -- j
No, the real danger today could be the EMP (electromagnetic pulse) that occurs when a nuclear weapon is set off, especially at high altitudes.
No radioactive fallout to speak of, but EVERY electronic gizmo, from your PC to the computers in your cars to every computer remotely related to your life can have its little electronic brain permanently fried.
And you'd need electronic gizmos to create the repair parts... think about that impact.
China and maybe North Korea could do that; Mideast Loons, not so much. I don't think China would see any sense in doing that, other than maybe shipping a billion or so of their citizens over here to repopulate the US and Canada after we all kill each other rioting for food, clothing and shelter, but NK... not so much. Their 'leaders' are really from another planet.
We'll see what happens...
This is personnel army is unconstitutional also. But just you wait! The Pres is going to ruin all the legal gun owners Christmas. He will probably issue an Executive Order to accept the UN Gun Ban Treaty (Dec. 24th). Civil War 2, starting in January or February 2015? That's right the hooligans of Homeland Security will stop it!
now, what are you going to do about THAT?
Personally, I'm going to take some serious pain meds and have a snack.
You are already on the right track by posing the question.
I think jlc gave you sound advice.
The immigration situation is a critical point and could get worse... Who knows how far Mr. O can take this. Hopefully, the opposition will be fearce!
Hang in there with the rest of us!
to fear is fear itself???
This is what you can do: Do not live near a major population center (though with North Korea's targeting abilities, it might be safer to live Right In The Middle! of one). Establish an independent source of power - solar/propane/power pallet (but do NOT go off the grid). Buy a satellite uplink for your home computers. Keep enough food and water on hand to last a month or two (longer than that is just icing...after a couple of months, the rules change). Keep your eye on 3D printer tech as a future resource (able to print replacement parts). Research and select software that protects your privacy.
It is difficult to see how, as individuals, we can alter the course the NSA and foreign governments take (without going into politics). But we can influence how the repercussions effect us personally. All of the things I suggest above are also good precautions against ice storms, earthquakes, hurricanes and somedamnfoolhittingthepowerpole.
It is almost certain that you will make use of the precautions you take - even if it is just due to the power pole being hit by a car. So - do what you can to mitigate the bottom line...and keep voicing your opinions to whomever will listen.