Ted Cruz throws down the gauntlet to Boehner
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years, 3 months ago to Government
This is going to be a bloody battle, and it already is showing how hard the democrats are squirming to distance themselves from obamas ursurpation of power. Most of them will not be darkening the halls of congress much longer, thankfully. But this is going to be a war.
Hillary is quite polarizing, and keeping the democrats looking that way will stay many in the middle. Paint them with the socialist label they deserve.
Someone once told me this. You become president, become the most powerful person in the world, but you only serve 1 six year term - no re-election. At the end of your single 6 year term, you're exiled to an island with no way off, no communications with the outside world, and no power or authority. Your payment for accepting that job is a life of leisure - in exile. Or like the old Roman saying went - All Glory is Fleeting.
Wonder how many moocher power-hungry looters would want the job if that were the stakes?
Ever read Plato's Republic?