Underwater Robot Makes Puzzling Find on Antarctic Sea Ice Thickness

Posted by Snoogoo 10 years, 3 months ago to Science
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I rarely find anything of value on NBC, but I found this article interesting. It shows how little we know about global climate systems and how the global warming debate often overlooks real scientific data. I always try to explain to people that I believe in global warming because it is scientifically proven that without a ~30% increase of earth's temperature due to greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere, the earth would be uninhabitable. Global warming is a naturally occurring phenomenon proved by science, however, the whole idea that humans are going to suddenly upset billions of years of naturally occurring climate cycles by releasing some carbon in the atmosphere is a bit of a jump for me. According to the climate models we should actually be on the cusp of a global cooling trend which this study among others may corroborate.
SOURCE URL: http://www.nbcnews.com/science/environment/underwater-robot-makes-puzzling-find-antarctic-sea-ice-thickness-n255211

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  • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years ago
    Are these people really scientists? Let's see, ice has a known density, as does water at various temperatures. If you measure the amount of ice above the water line, you can calculate the amount under the water line (the "cork" effect - the ice will displace the amount of water that is of equal weight. Since ice is less dense than water, it floats in the water. Measure the amount out of the water and the temp of the water and you can directly calculate the amount of ice under the water line).
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