Strange Reply re: Ayn Rand
Posted by BlueNova 11 years, 11 months ago to Legislation
I posted a comment on a local paper ending with the phase "Atlas Shrugged and Road to Serfdom here we come." Sarcastic I hope you realize.
Here's the response post:
It's interesting that you mention Ayn Rand. About a year and a half ago I was up at the NMFS building dropping off catch reports. On the way out I paused and looked at the notices and papers available for free. There amongst the regulatory notices and research outlines was an article copied from "The Objectivist Standard" promoting catch shares and ocean privatization. Not being familiar with this particular periodical I looked it up. It seems that must be some libertarians up there, not socialists. These conservative Ayn Rand libertarians are pushing for marine spatial planning and the privatization of inland waterways. We are being gamed from both sides.
I replied that regulation wre an anathema to Ayn Rand Objectivist Philosophy. I think "The Objectivist Standard" isn't anything to do with the Objectivist Philosophy. What do you think? I want to reply to the perosn's post. I think he's ernest and would like to give him a sound reply other than "no way, jose."
Here's the response post:
It's interesting that you mention Ayn Rand. About a year and a half ago I was up at the NMFS building dropping off catch reports. On the way out I paused and looked at the notices and papers available for free. There amongst the regulatory notices and research outlines was an article copied from "The Objectivist Standard" promoting catch shares and ocean privatization. Not being familiar with this particular periodical I looked it up. It seems that must be some libertarians up there, not socialists. These conservative Ayn Rand libertarians are pushing for marine spatial planning and the privatization of inland waterways. We are being gamed from both sides.
I replied that regulation wre an anathema to Ayn Rand Objectivist Philosophy. I think "The Objectivist Standard" isn't anything to do with the Objectivist Philosophy. What do you think? I want to reply to the perosn's post. I think he's ernest and would like to give him a sound reply other than "no way, jose."
This mag started in 2006. It is a legitimate publication. The above link may be the article referred to, but do your own search.
check it out, formulate an opinion, and let us know how you responded, Blue
The artilce in The Objectivist Standard does not espouse regulations such as catch shares. It reinforces the idea that regulations when do not produce the intended results. The thoughts behind the article are that regulations are useless. I'll send the link to the poster I referred to.