We The People Fight Tyranny Game
Posted by mdk2608 10 years, 1 month ago to The Gulch: General
With the upcoming holidays and gift giving season approaching, I came upon this board game that promotes many of the values the we in the Gulch hold true. It's a great gift idea for young adults, children, teenagers among others teaching history in a fun way using humor, sarcasm and trivia facts to play the game. Be a Union Thug or a Conservative Radio Talk Show host among others and fight the progressive movement on your own kitchen table. It can be examined further by the author on another YouTube Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAOAU2bM... or go to www.wethepeoplegame.com It has been a fun game that I have enjoyed playing with family and friends. Maybe you would like it would too. I makes a fantastic gift for secret santa gift to promote liberty among our liberal adversaries in the office or a gift to like-minded clients or friends.
SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UMWLl6C7JE
Maybe it should be advertised that there is a glorious fork-tongued community organizer in it.
And I really do not believe Obama's claim that the two-thirds who did not vote are somehow voodoo razzle-dazzle really on his side.
I stand corrected.
I'm a dino who evolved to having the capacity of changing my mind when faced with new data. Therefore, I am not extinct.