Obama's Executive Amnesty
Posted by DragonLady 10 years, 3 months ago to Politics
Is it just me, or does this sound like a really great idea? I'm really getting annoyed with this man's ego....
SOURCE URL: http://ace.mu.nu/archives/353296.php
It would have been perfect had they surprised us with an announcement in January they would not be inviting the President to give the State of the Union speech as the first measured response to the President’s actions. Put a little space between the hoopla. Instead, the Republicans are demanding to heard while the media is transfixed on how compassionate Obama's move is.
A majority of Americans did not condemn him for helping the Dreamers,but they rethought their position and did choose to condemn him when they saw the children flooding the border in the aftermath. People wanted the military out of Iraq, but it wasn’t till ISIS formed and killed tens of thousands of people brutally that they started seeing how naive Obama had been to remove all troops.
Obama, hanging himself with his own rope, has and will continue to have more of an impact on the American psychic than any speech or action an oppositional politician could word or plan.