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  • Posted by $ nickursis 10 years, 2 months ago
    The whole thing revolves around the data and how good (or bad) it is. My brother and I have gone roundy roundy on this and there are some really good arguments to prove that CO2 cannot function as a "greenhouse gas" by it explicit properties. In addition NOAA actually placed a network of stations across the US to gather "unfiltered" data and it actually showed the last 10 years have had an overall decrease of -1.2 degrees overall. It is such a complicated model, for example I live 60 miles south of Portland OR and we just had a little ice age here, yet Portland, with east winds coming down the Gorge, was 2-4 degrees warmer than my place in the Coast range. So, if you take the Portland data, it indicates a warmer data point than mine, but disregards the "urban effect". A lot of stations are now in urban areas that used to be rural, and skews the data some. It doesn't mean the climate is changed, it means the observers conditions have changed. That is one of the real issues with the data being used, and why the NOAA stations are a better source of actual real time, unbiased (by location) facts. But being that the political machine is now grinding into the whole climate change thing, we are in deep doo for that...
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  • Posted by iroseland 10 years, 2 months ago
    If you take temperatures and graph them you will get lots of sine waves. The first tow obvious ones being the night vs day sine and then there is the year long wave. As you zoom out in time the pattern will re-emerge over and over again.. Its like a temperature fractal. Since we only have accurate temperature records for less than 200 years we actually do not have that much data. Which is making it easy for folks to fall into the correlation equals causation trap.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 2 months ago
    We're fine until we have a warm summer or mild winter. At that point, we can still spin narratives: Righteous gods will take care of me and people I care about and punish the evil in the world. It's easy and natural to make up things you wish were true.
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