New York City Cracks Down on Discrimination Against Jobless

Posted by eskslo 11 years, 12 months ago to Business
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Our society is not litigious enough already? Give me a break. I am sure they will all get public defenders some how, so guess what guys? You the public pays for their defense. Glad I'm not in NY right now.

From the article "New York City lawmakers passed the nation's most far-reaching measure Wednesday to protect out-of-work job applicants from discrimination, allowing job-seekers to sue if they believe they have been turned away because they're unemployed."

I love how they say "if they believe". WTF! Is this straight out of AS? All you have to do is believe? At least they will have to prove it in court. Good luck.

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  • Posted by TheYoung-Capitalist 11 years, 12 months ago
    I am surprised that all the big companies have not left yet.
    I wonder what will come next. A band on common sense ? A band on freedom? A band on paying your own way in life? A band on thinking for yourself? A band on certain clothes?
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  • Posted by fivedollargold 11 years, 12 months ago
    A rare occasion when Mayor Bloomingbird did the right thing. Too bad his veto was overridden. I have hired at least a hundred people at one time or another. If an applicant has a "gap" in their employment history, I always gave them a chance to explain. It was a positive sign to me if they used time unemployed to do productive things such as volunteer work or going back to school.
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