Ignoring Communism’s Crimes Against Humanity

Posted by UncommonSense 10 years, 3 months ago to History
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Did Pres. Reagan really defeat communism? Perhaps in Germany. But not here, and not anywhere else...the political/economic cancer had already been firmly entrenched by then. This article asks some great questions that no one on the Left have the guts to answer, but offer plenty of excuses.
SOURCE URL: http://gulagbound.com/47965/ignoring-communisms-crimes-against-humanity/

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 10 years, 3 months ago
    I like that video in Uncommonsense's link where Castro claims he is not a Communist.
    I would wager Obama is a far bigger liar and about every time he moves his lips.
    "If you want your health car plan--etc., etc. ad nauseam."
    Obama has claimed that he is not a socialist. My evil twin Comrade Citizen would grin with his teeth and say, "For sure he's not!"
    Our Liar-In-Chief even claims that back in 1980 he would be regarded as a mainstream Republican!
    How's that for a blatant whopper?

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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years, 3 months ago
    Of course, Reagan didn't defeat communism. Communism is a world-wide plague. What he defeated was a Russian communist dictatorship. And then, only for that particular time and place. It was, however, a good first step. If America had had the guts to follow Reagan's example and continued to stand up to and challenge communism as he did, then there would have been a chance of defeating it. It is true of an even greater plague, which is world-wide Islamic aggression. Dealing with it as we do is like trying to explain to a tiger why he shouldn't eat you.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 10 years, 3 months ago
    I for one, do not believe that the "Marxist" Ideal, or any form of collectivism has ever been a valid social structure, any more that the Progressive ideas of redistribution are part of the basic American idea. It is, always has been, a system used to justify attacking one of the main principles that marks true freedom: doing violence on others in the form of taking away from one to give to the other (of their choice of course). One reason I like Objectivism is that it denys anyone that ability, and as such, is a direct enemy of any system that would do so. One reason I think most Conservatives are Objectivists at heart. Our history has also included "Crimes Against Humanity" in some form, the treatment of Native Americans, our participation in the 1920s in the Philippines. There has not, in my humble opinion, been a true Communist/Socialist system that has ever actually come into existence, just simulations claiming that heritage, which is why they will never answer for it.
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    • Posted by $ jdg 10 years, 3 months ago
      Agreed 90%. Thomas Paine did propose a welfare state, funded by a steep inheritance tax, in "Rights of Man", but I think we can excuse him because when he wrote it, it had never been tried anywhere. Now we know better.
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      • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 10 years, 3 months ago
        You are wrong on both points. First, communism does work after a fashion in monasteries and similar institutions. Note the intense indoctrination and considerable sacrifices. But from them we got beer and brandy and much else. They were economic institutions attached to medieval manors. However, they were eclipsed by the universities, which were the parallel institutions of the medieval cities.

        Second, as for the morality of inheritance taxes, you need to query khalling and dhalling here in the Gulch. Good Objectivists both, they assert that dead people have no rights. Therefore, property must be transferred before death. However, ask them; don't take my interpretation of their statements.
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  • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 3 months ago
    Actually, Reagan destroying communism is a myth. It’s the references to the Berlin wall that we make that connection. He once stood in front of it while demanding it be torn down. So, when it did come down, it was easy to to create a fitting political message, tying his speech to the event. The truth is: one day the guards at the wall got sloppy. A couple women didn’t have the proper papers to cross from East to West, but the soldiers at the wall said for them to go anyway. The women were so astonished they contacted others and told their families and friends they weren’t requiring papers at the wall. Pretty soon, there was a mob. The next thing you know it was beyond the guards ability to stop the flow. That’s how the wall dividing Germany really came down --a simple flashpoint. Our wheat embargo did have serious consequences on the former USSR, but our farmers were also hurt in the process. You had farmers in states like Kansas with thee years of wheat they couldn’t unload. Russia through it’s very long history has expanded and contracted it’s borders fairly regular no matter what political structure was afoot.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 10 years, 3 months ago
    What we need is to publish, and demand that our schools teach, a history of the world's communist countries and how they have treated their people. The public schools I went to never mention the topic, because of course they are effectively owned by the teachers' unions, and they are all about enacting communism here. Which is why they love President Obama.

    The closest I've found is this good biography of Mao Tse Tung: http://www.amazon.com/Mao-Story-Jung-Cha...
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  • Posted by Lucky 10 years, 3 months ago
    Take another look at the quote from Alexander Trachtenberg. Chilling because it is underway.

    'We' have problems which include:
    There are several enemies, it is a mistake to lump them together, or to support one over the other, tactics may or may not be valid but the strategy of defeating both should never be forgotten.
    Words such as liberalism, progressivism, democracy, do not describe universally bad concepts, those words have been misapplied. Liberalism should mean open minded and tolerant, to be progressive should mean wanting improvement, voting can have a place even under anarchic libertarianism. Neither the arguments nor the definitions of enemies are to be accepted at face value. .
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  • Posted by wiggys 10 years, 3 months ago
    These people are so anti capitalism and the freedom that must go with it that they will support anything that is against it. They in my opinion have absolutely no regard for the people citizens of America because they are evil. Ayn Rand has said it over and over again. These poor excuses for humanity have no regard for it. We are marching towards that end and it is gaining speed. The next step will be censorship and if they take control of the internet we are sunk.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 10 years, 3 months ago
    Communism will never be defeated until people - of their own free will and choice - decide that no one else will be responsible for their own lives but themselves. As long as there are those who want others to take care of them, there will be those willing to take advantage of that to gain power.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 10 years, 3 months ago
    I used to cringe when people went around saying "Communism is dead" - what! Reagan fought against communism, but communists have a tactic of pretending defeat, while working all the harder behind the scenes. Gorby came over here and never gave up his party card, got access to public schools, under the guise of promoting the green agenda, while never having given up his Party card.. Next thing, we have a bunch of brainwashed kids, celebrating Lenin's birthday as Earth Day. How many liberals even know that, they have just bought the rhetoric. Of course they call those on the right crazy, that is in any good commie training manual - bring in as many incompetent psychologists as possible, get as many people as possible under their care, and that is how to bring a nation down from within. The Communist Party USA, bit in Wisc, and even North Dakota, in the 50s, used such a manual. Communism is not and never was dead, and won't be as long as we have a dumbed down nation of sheep.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 3 months ago
    The article says NYT ignores Soviety crimes against humanity. If you actually follow the link to the article, the NYT talks about killings of East Germans trying to get to freedom in West Berlin and that the collapse of the wall came from opposition from East Germans opposed to the ruling regime. Rather than ignoring communisms crimes against humanity, the article is actually attributing them to the fall of the Berlin wall and downplaying Reagan's role. I am not knowledgeable about how much of it Reagan caused, but it's clear the article does not ignore communisms crimes.
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