Venezuela Noveber 14
Posted by sender47 10 years, 3 months ago to Government
Long time since the last time I wrote, sorry for that.
What to say, since the beginning of October the situation went crazy bad...
First the assassination of Robert Serra representative of the PSUV on the National Assembly, which obviously the gov used to attack the opposition. First that this was a plan from the opposition to kill the PSUV members (Diosdado Cabello President of the Assembly said that he feared for his life). The as they didn't have any proof they said that it was planned from Miami and directed by Alvaro Uribe Velez former president of Colombia, actual Senator. Then the real facts started to appear, It was killed by his bodyguards. Again the gov accused the already mentioned opposition and Alvaro Uribe from doing this and that the bodyguards were in fact Colombians Paramilitary (Not FARC)... then it was proved that this was not the case, so then they said that the para-militarism was something imported from Colombia, and that all was fault of the right.... Still many things are unclear, but it appears the chief of the bodyguards had some problems with Serra.
Then the second thing happened a few days later. The CICPC (investigation police), "attacked" a building that was taken by one of the gangs I have mentioned in past post, the gang was called "Colectivo 5 de marzo". Now I put attacked with semicolons because really nobody (at least normal people) knows what happened. The thing that we know is that, 45 minutes after the boss of the colectivo said that if anything happened to him it was fault of the Minister of internal affairs, justice and peace Rodriguez Torres, he was dead. and four more people if I'm not mistaken.
The colectivo started to accuse the Minister of assassination, and around 10 days later he was taken out of his office. 5 policeman where accused of assassination, they refuse to give in, and I think one flew to USA a few days ago pleading for asylum.
So nobody knows who is in charge, the police is angry for this, and colectivos the same.
Things are getting even more dangerous.
Oil is going down, the gov says there is no problem, but we have been importing the last month light oil from Algeria (Most of Venezuelan oil is heavy), I think this was done once around 20 years ago, maybe someone with knowledge in this area could be more update about this movements.
The USD in the black market is at 116,43 Bs per Dollar at the moment (Yeap our highest bill is just 100).
I will make two posts with links to articles about the latest economic decisions in the country.
What to say, since the beginning of October the situation went crazy bad...
First the assassination of Robert Serra representative of the PSUV on the National Assembly, which obviously the gov used to attack the opposition. First that this was a plan from the opposition to kill the PSUV members (Diosdado Cabello President of the Assembly said that he feared for his life). The as they didn't have any proof they said that it was planned from Miami and directed by Alvaro Uribe Velez former president of Colombia, actual Senator. Then the real facts started to appear, It was killed by his bodyguards. Again the gov accused the already mentioned opposition and Alvaro Uribe from doing this and that the bodyguards were in fact Colombians Paramilitary (Not FARC)... then it was proved that this was not the case, so then they said that the para-militarism was something imported from Colombia, and that all was fault of the right.... Still many things are unclear, but it appears the chief of the bodyguards had some problems with Serra.
Then the second thing happened a few days later. The CICPC (investigation police), "attacked" a building that was taken by one of the gangs I have mentioned in past post, the gang was called "Colectivo 5 de marzo". Now I put attacked with semicolons because really nobody (at least normal people) knows what happened. The thing that we know is that, 45 minutes after the boss of the colectivo said that if anything happened to him it was fault of the Minister of internal affairs, justice and peace Rodriguez Torres, he was dead. and four more people if I'm not mistaken.
The colectivo started to accuse the Minister of assassination, and around 10 days later he was taken out of his office. 5 policeman where accused of assassination, they refuse to give in, and I think one flew to USA a few days ago pleading for asylum.
So nobody knows who is in charge, the police is angry for this, and colectivos the same.
Things are getting even more dangerous.
Oil is going down, the gov says there is no problem, but we have been importing the last month light oil from Algeria (Most of Venezuelan oil is heavy), I think this was done once around 20 years ago, maybe someone with knowledge in this area could be more update about this movements.
The USD in the black market is at 116,43 Bs per Dollar at the moment (Yeap our highest bill is just 100).
I will make two posts with links to articles about the latest economic decisions in the country.
Thank's for the update.
Sounds dangerous.
Please be careful.