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Control! Control! All you stupid little people require control, control, control! Now raise a late 60s Marxist fist into the air and cry, "Power to the people!"
(Sorry my government mandated Sarcastic Font Lock is not working properly)
That means these guys should be able to say "for sale to do XYZ, we believe it works because ______" But can't say "this does XYZ"
Here we have the government telling people that they can be thrown in jail for what they say. Here is what the 1st Amendment says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." Clearly Congress has made a law that abridges the freedom of speech of this company.
This argument will never fly in court. The Supremes have gotten around this by saying commercial speech is different than other speech and not deserving of the same protection. (Talk about counting the number of angels on a pin head).
The grating thing....We have "Corporatised" all business and individuals through the establishment of the "District of Columbia" and the indoctrination vehicle: Social Security Administration. When we use our SSN's for the first time, we agree to abide by the laws of "THE CORPORATION". The grand tool of enslavement. I have a friend who went through an extrication process from "THE CORPORATION" using the Uniform Commercial Code.....many filings and a three year time period. Everything he did was to establish his "rights" under original constitutionality. He re-asserted his "Natural Sovereign Born Self / Citizenry. Does not mean he was believed. I'll see if he still has the original documents to share....more to come. Thanks for the insights.