
Posted by Itheliving 10 years, 4 months ago to Movies
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Interstellar / Rated PG-13 for language and sci fi violence and one fight.

The Best Picture last year, despite what the Oscar’s proclaimed, was Gravity. This year gravity is back but as an important part of the movie Interstellar. Last years Best Actor winner has a great back up cast including several vets, at least one of which has won a Best Actress award. Interstellar runs 169 minutes, which figures close to three hours and cost 165 million dollars to produce. Is it worth roughly a million bucks a minute? The studios involved must have eyes on the opening weekend box office results to calculate if a long journey is ahead to get their money back.

Speaking of long journeys, you are about to see the longest ever. Not just in film length but in distance traveled. The film concerns Earth at least a hundred years in the future. The thing you will notice is that the cars and pick up trucks from today are still in use. This means that we Earthlings of today are at least doing something right. Otherwise, we have mucked things up. All the food is dead except corn. The good news is there is a lot of it, not just on screen in Interstellar, but also at the theatre snack bar. It has dropped from $6.75 for a small bag to free, please, take all you want.

The way the muck-up has happened is dust storms. Lots and lots of dust. Little league baseball games are all stopped by the 2nd inning. Dinner tables look like the Mojave Desert. Dust everywhere. Lots and lots of dust. Matthew M. is an engineer and former astronaut. His young 13 year old daughter, Murph, thinks there is a ghost in her bedroom. It has to do with dust and things falling off shelves. Things move along slowly while people try to live life while running Dustbusters 24/7. Then the big revelation. Mankind is doomed as the corn is dying. They must escape to another Galaxy to live. This is not going to be easy. Why? Because of gravity.

Soon MM is on a spaceship with other astronauts to find more astronauts who have maybe/maybe not made it to another Galaxy alive and discovered a place for mankind to live without all the dust and something to eat other than corn. By now the theaters are paying people to actually take a bag of popcorn with their $85 small soda drink.

As expected (see budget above) the special efx are spectacular when you can see them through all the dust. Unfortunately the music by Hans Zimmer (and I don’t blame Hans for this) is so badly sound mixed and loud that it overrides the visuals and wrecks much of the attempt to tell the story. In one scene an important character is dying. He is mumbling his dying words. You want to hear them. They decide to turn up the ominous organ music to incredible volumes and you wonder if they will blow some actual dust into the theater so you cannot see what is going on, let alone hear it.

This film borrows heavily from a whole host of its predecessors. To name them all would be a giveaway as to what is about to happen. However here are the years several of them came out. 1968, 1984, 1997, 2000. There are lots of others but you don’t need to read a longer string than that. It might give something away.

All in all when this film finishes with the family soap opera, turns down the music score, and shows off the space travel efx it is not a bad movie. As soon as I got home I took another shower.

Rated 3.0 out of 4.0 reasons they could have learned a lesson from the title of one of the films from which they picked up ideas. Silent Running (1972)

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