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  • Posted by MrSelfish 11 years, 9 months ago
    North Korea has an estimated 1500 heavy calibre, repetitive fire, artillery pieces and tactical rockets targeted on Soule just a few miles away from the 38th parallel border with South Korea.

    An attack on South Korea, and in particular on Soule, would ultimately be military suicide for the Dear Leader and country, but tens of thousands of South Korean citizens would likely die or be seriously issued during the first few hours of hostilities.

    The approximate 25,000 American forces stationed in South Korea could be expected to suffer serious losses, as well.

    A major preemptive attack by the USA and ROK forces would have only moderate effect on reducing these losses.

    A serious tactical and strategic challenge!
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  • Posted by SNAFU 11 years, 9 months ago
    North Korea is more or less just a Neighborhood Loudmouth who is all Hot Air.

    the only possible way that they could even try to make good on their threats is if a major power like China or Russia were to support their actions and provide various resources.

    and even if they did, to borrow a movie Quote "Their would be a Rifle Behind Every Blade of Grass."
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