Perfect cartoon for muslim president...

Posted by DeadRight 10 years, 1 month ago to Politics
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Love the multiple intensions of this cartoon.
He was ticking of so many groups it was just a matter of time until he ticked off enough people to vote against him.

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  • Posted by wiggys 10 years, 1 month ago
    deadright you of course know he doesn't care. he has gotten his and that is all he ever cared about. i think his role model was slick willie.
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  • Posted by mdk2608 10 years, 1 month ago
    Funny! I enjoyed looking at this one. I had a client send me a cartoon before the election that asked the question " Are you more likely to get beheaded than you were 2 years ago? Are you more likely to catch a deadly disease than you were 2 years ago? If you answered yes then vote republican. People are getting smarter. However after his press conference it is apparent this guy has some mental health issues.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 10 years, 1 month ago
    I think a cartoon with Obama as the overseer holding a whip, dripping with blood of a (former middle class businessman) slave, looking out on the cotton fields filled with enslaved white people and chatting with a bankster would be more accurate.
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    • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 10 years, 1 month ago

      You should read Ayn Rand's essay on "Racism" and take the time to understand what is meant by "an unnamed collective" i.e., the many forms of "they" and "them".

      While completing my master's in 2010 at Eastern Michigan University, I had the opportunity to attend a guest lecture on race by Agustin Fuentes professor of anthropology at Notre Dame University. Dr. Fuentes's thesis is that "race" is ascribed, and only ascribed. Other people define your race for you.

      He showed a picture of Pres. Obama, and asked, "What is his race?" Some people said "Black" and others "African-American." But his mother is white. No one said "Caucasian-American." That was Prof. Fuentes' point. I also note that unlike 15% of Americans, _NONE_ of the President's ancestors came from west Africa or even central Africa. His father's ancestors migrated down into Kenya from somewhere near the headwaters of the Nile about 1000 years ago. It is like confusing a Basque with a Finn because they both seem "white" to you.

      Furthermore, "race" has no objective meaning. Later, Prof. Fuentes showed pictures of Micronesians. Again, several people in the audience identified them as African, or Black. But, Fuentes corrected them all by saying that any genetic metric you can find would place them within the populations of Asians, not Africans.

      I assure you that you can do such tests to find that the person with a Swedish surname is more closely related to the person with an Arabic family name, than to the other person with a Norwegian family name. One thing humans do really, really well is _WALK_.
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      • Posted by $ jlc 10 years, 1 month ago
        Excellent points; agree. But I simply must chime in with the fact that one of the distinguishing characteristics of the Micronesians is that they (and Aussie Abos) are the only people alive today who have a substantial (~5%) inheritance from the Denisovan branch of the human family.

        So, like the Basques, they are in a class by themselves.

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      • Posted by freedomforall 10 years, 1 month ago
        Had you understood that the imagined cartoon reflects Obama's obvious attitude toward Americans and American culture you might have suggested that Obama and the looters should read Rand's essay. But reading it would have no effect on those sociopaths whatsoever.
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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 10 years, 1 month ago
    Perfect cartoon for a Christian president, such as Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush, or Gerald Ford, .... Dwight D. Eisenhower, ... Herbert Hoover ... But also Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Franklin D. Roosevelt (in 3 midterm), and Woodrow Wilson... It is a natural election cycle in a democracy; and, in fact, explains why Winston Churchill was turned out in May 1945 after the victory.

    If you know the US Constitution, then you must know that we have no religious test for office. (Atheism was an absolute test in some states; that has not held since 1990.) So, the President's religion is irrelevant. In fact, Ronald Reagan was pretty lax about church attendance; and Nancy Reagan consulted astrologers. I do not know of any cartoons about the Wiccan First Lady.

    President quipped about sharing a drink (Kentucky bourbon) with Mitch McConnell, so, if he is a Muslim, he seems to be non-observant, which, again, is his business, not yours.

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    • Posted by johnpe1 10 years, 1 month ago
      Mike, if I am your president, everything I think is
      pertinent to your life, since my actions are guided
      by my thoughts. and my actions affect your life. -- j

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  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 1 month ago
    The cartoon disturbs me. It suggests the Republicans are going to be mafia-like once they convene in January. I am a big fan of satire, and understand that part of its makeup is to disturb. But I am left not knowing the ultimate point. There is nothing racist in the cartoon, unless you think a Godfather-esque reference might offend italians. non-mooch? you offended?
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