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    Posted by JGISSD 12 years, 5 months ago
    Put away your Orwellian language and these are the "right to not work" states. Owners and investors are allowed to organize into trade groups in these states, but workers are not allowed to organize freely into trade unions.
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    • Posted by JeanPaulZodeaux 12 years, 5 months ago
      The right to work states secure - not "allow" but secure - the right of individuals to make their own decision in regards to joining a union or financially support them. It is ridiculous that there would be any state in the union that wouldn't protect the rights of individuals in this regard. Every person has the right to contract. A contract is a meeting of the minds where all parties agree upon the contract made. If an individual seeking employment has no desire to allow - now the word is appropriate - a third party to enter into that agreement and negotiate terms that individual has the absolute right to make that contract and any legislative act attempting to force an individual to make a contract with a union is not law, certainly not contract law, and is nothing more than corruption.

      Orwellian "newspeak" is when language is used to mean the opposite of what is being spoken. Right to work is not such a thing and means precisely what it states; the right to work. Orwellian language can certainly be found heading legislative acts such as the Patriot Act, the Leave No Child Behind Act, or the Personal Income Tax. Orwellian speak is used when giving war President's Nobel Peace Prizes, and Orwellian speak is the precise type of language you constantly use in this site.
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