Battery Acid and Toilet Paper by Robert Gore | STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC
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Befitting an egalitarian paradise, essentials—copies of President Nicolás Maduro’s latest speech—are plentiful, while luxury items like toilet paper are nowhere to be found. (Enemies of the state use the former as a rough substitute for the latter.) Other luxuries—milk, gasoline, electricity, water, diapers, soap, beans, tortillas, hard currencies—are also in short supply. In the US, where store shelves are packed with toilet paper in a variety of textures, plies, softnesses, sizes, and package quantities, any politician whose policies produced a shortage wouldn’t win 5 percent of the vote. Maduro won an election last year. In Venezuela, deprivation has been the winning platform, admiration of US plenitude a sure ticket to electoral oblivion, and good riddance to retrograde running dogs who emigrate to capitalist cesspools.
Befitting an egalitarian paradise, essentials—copies of President Nicolás Maduro’s latest speech—are plentiful, while luxury items like toilet paper are nowhere to be found. (Enemies of the state use the former as a rough substitute for the latter.) Other luxuries—milk, gasoline, electricity, water, diapers, soap, beans, tortillas, hard currencies—are also in short supply. In the US, where store shelves are packed with toilet paper in a variety of textures, plies, softnesses, sizes, and package quantities, any politician whose policies produced a shortage wouldn’t win 5 percent of the vote. Maduro won an election last year. In Venezuela, deprivation has been the winning platform, admiration of US plenitude a sure ticket to electoral oblivion, and good riddance to retrograde running dogs who emigrate to capitalist cesspools.
In an agricultural sense capitalism is the production and planting of seeds. The opposite is "eating the seed corn" (or burning it), and that is what anti-capitalists of all kinds recommend. Cronyism is a method of conspiring to steal others' seed corn while suggesting there is plenty of it to be eaten.
Although I admit I may have difficulty finding a non-crony capitalism example - which makes me somewhat concerned that capitalism is not quite at resilient to corruption as I would like - although still much better than socialism, communism, or other forms.
So i like the idea, but need some great current examples of how well non-crony capitalism is doing
(perhaps I need to look in eastern Europe...)
There would be a problem in 'contract enforcement'; I think some sort of economic shunning would have to be the 'punishment'. Interesting thought touchstone.
Besides, there are hard things about it that are obviously and immediately true, like "he who does not work may not eat"; the Socialists hide the bad stuff about their position behind the bushes and people have to discover it - and for every person saying something bad about socialism, there are 3 socialists following him around saying "that's not true! where did you hear that? says who?" and the like. The truth is drowned out.and people who also don't know anything about morality, logic, rhetoric or observation are powerless.
oooh, tax brackets.
This article speculates that modern proponents of socialism are not influenced by tradition, piety, etc. I suspect they actually are influenced by traditional values going back to pre-industrial times; they may don't know it though.
Another great article.
It occurs to me that in my life time something dramatic has changed in the public perception. I no longer see the reports in the MSM of the shortages like toilet paper, food, and other essentials that were commonplace reports from places like the old USSR, Cuba and many other Marxist leaning nations. I hope the market will eventually win out and promote viewership of news channels that expose the truth once again. There is some indication that viewership is down on channels that obfuscate.
I believe a solution, or at least a major move in the right direction, would be to take over or create more MSM outlets as well as non-traditional information sources aimed at the young that disseminate the truth of these conditions. We remember the lessons of history, but it would seem that many today are being shielded from this reality. When was the last time and how often have any of us heard about these conditions and the types of ideologies/political philosophies guiding the course of these impoverished nations? If anything we hear some nonsense about how these nations are impoverished because of some policy of the U.S., As if it is our fault ... We must be exploiting their resources or labor markets... keeping them impoverished through international policy.
Somehow, right thinking people who know the difference between Capitalism and Crony Capitalism, must make the case again, clean our own backyard, while pointing to the truth about these Marxist nations and their repeated historical failures.
The former analogy is based in reality, the latter in fantasy...and I knew it at age 5.
I have been noodling over a new Falk's Law to read something like "From each according to our arbitrary taxation; To each according to our whim."