Obama: Paul Roebling Didn't Build the Brooklyn Bridge

Posted by WesleyMooch 12 years, 3 months ago to History
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I recently heard an excellent audiobook, David McCullough's The Great Bridge: The Epic Story of the Building of the Brooklyn Bridge, read by the author. I was just sitting here thinking, "Hegel-trained Paul Roebling and his son Washington didn't build that. Why, Obama told me so."

"You're right, Mr. Obama, there was a teacher there somewhere, but not just any teacher: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich von Hegel (no, Mr. Obama, I didn't Google that), the caliber of whom your statist education system is as likely to produce, as your dumping a bunch of gears and glass into a box and shaking it till a Bulova watch drops into your palm. Washington's alma mater, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, as we all know, is well suited to your slam-dunkin' summa cum laude student style.

"No, Mr. Obama, of course Paul and Washington Roebling didn't build the Brooklyn Bridge. You did! For this, we the American people thank you."

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  • Posted by Biff_Malibu 12 years, 3 months ago
    Similarly, the Golden Gate Bridge (referenced in the same infamous Obama speech) was not the result of government investment, as he claimed, but was privately funded, through the purchase of local government bonds by the. . . (wait for it) founder of the Bank of America. Pesky facts.
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  • Posted by Solver 12 years, 3 months ago
    Listening to Obama, it's almost like I need to thank Steve Jobs so much for allocating me the use of an old iPad that cost well over $2000. Oh wait, there were no threats or use of force upon me, by Steve, it was a trade I voluntary accepted. I freely chose to purchase a device created by the profit motive, so I actually paid like $600, plus an additional $55 of compulsory California sales tax, for the latest greatest version. And the best thing, I earned it and I own it. That means, I can use it how I want and I am responsible for its care. No “collective minds” here.
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