Hi. My name is Jean Paul Zodeaux
Posted by JeanPaulZodeaux 12 years, 5 months ago to The Gulch: General
I have just joined this site and have many questions. I am concerned at the sites seeming tongue and cheek self reference of the "new collective". Why would a site dedicated to Atlas Shrugged and John Galt and his Gulch refer to themselves as a "collective"? Even in jest it is a joke at the expense of individualism. I understand that a collective is not necessarily subject to collectivism, but couldn't a site dedicated to the philosophy of Ayn Rand simply call themselves a group, or consortium, or allies?
Regarding your question of the "The Collective", you are correct in your "tongue and cheek" assumption. However... drum roll please... you should know, we're actually taking our queue from Ayn herself. Check out the Wikipedia entry for "objectivist movement" to learn more...
"The Collective" was Rand's private name for a group of close confidants, students, and proponents of Rand and
Objectivism during the 1950s and '60s."
Thanks again for jumping in with both feet and mixing it up. Great to have you here.
I am aware of Rand's "collective", but one of the individuals of that "collective" was Nathaniel Brandon, a "psychotherapist" who ultimately parted ways with Rand and her "collective" asserting his own individuality. Presumably Alan Greenspan was a part of that "collective" and then went on to become a real life Wesley Mouch. Sigh...collectives....
Thank you again for your warm welcome.
Thanks again Jean. We sure hope you stick around. You've already proven to be quite the catch.